the team

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"so are you going to tell me who's all on this special team?" I ask from the seat I dropped into. My bag at my feet "you'll meet them all in time" she says in a calm yet happy tone. I groan and run my hands over my face "god you sound like old stop watch" she looks at me in confusion and I wave her off "it's a long story" I turn to look out the window and see to my shock a small island on the coast with a large building in the shape of a T. "I'm guessing that's yours?" I say staring at it like it might be a hallucination "oh yes! That's titans tower and to our right is jump city!" I glance over the city it looked like any other city in America.....with a capital letter off to the side like the freaking statue of liberty.

As We land on the roof I notice a gathering of people on the roof I didn't get a good look as she parked with them behind us. I stand up and sling my bag over my shoulder and head for the exit "it truly is a most glorious thing that you agreed to join us!" I shrug "we will see I guess" the door opens and I get a better look at the group. They all looked weird. The one at the head of the group stepped forward he was in a full body armored suit with a large blue V on his chest and a mask over his eyes. He walks up to me and sticks out his hand with a smile. "Hey I'm Nightwing I run things around here with help from kori of course!" I raise an eyebrow and shake his hand "Ellie. I guess I'm your new recruit" "and we are glad to have you. Let me introduce you to everyone" and he did I met the shape shifter beast boy the metal man called cyborg the owner of the ship the brought me here Ms. Martian and several others but one caught my eye. A girl about my age with pale almost gray skin and dark clothes. And purple hair her name is raven. And she was assigned to show me where I was sleeping "so Raven what's this place all about?" She looked back at me for a second and kept moving "we are a group dedicated to protecting the innocent but that's not the only reason. We are also here to learn how to control our abilities in a safe environment....." I nod " but I already know my powers I get my powers from my parents I've trained since forever...why am I here?" "Well if it's not training you need maybe it's something else....why did you choose to come?" I shrugged and looked around the hall we were walking down "my old man thought it would be good for me to be part of a team" she turned to face me "do you think he's right?" She arched her eyebrow as I shrug "I'm operating on faith right now. I'm hopeful that this is something worth doing ya know" she gives me the smallest of smiles and opens the door next to us on my right "here's your room I'm down the hall and ms. Martian is across from you this whole hall is the girls hall the boys live on the other side of the T" I chuckle at this "what like summer camp?" She gives a small laugh then stops and schools her emotions "so I gotta ask. Is the goth look part of your powers or a life choice?" She frowns like she's upset "hold on before you get upset my mom is like super goth I'm not judging you in the slightest I just need to know if I need to let you borrow some of my more gothic books" she calmed a bit her face blank "do you like tea?" It was a question out of the blue it caught me off guard "uh kinda I mean I drink both coffee and tea but I like tea on raining nights" she nodded "my look is both a choice and to do with my abilities...I'll let you get settled dinner is at 7 lights out is at 11 but they recommend an early bedtime cause we train in the morning" she turns to leave and I Touch her shoulder "hey thanks for... everything I know you were forced to show me here but you didn't have to answer my questions but you did so thanks" she looked back and nods walks down to her room. I sigh and enter my new room dropping my bag on the bed and sitting in a desk chair. "This will be an interesting adventure"

So that's the second chapter done I hope y'all enjoyed I promise there will be more to this story and yes I'm combining both the teen titans from the son of Batman storyline as well as members from the young justice team meaning all four robins will have existed in this timeline. So that'll be fun

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