Damon and Anne: Memories are made of this

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A/N: So this takes place during the season 6 finale. I have also Tweaked the story so it fits Anne into the story. I do not own the vampire diaries or the Tudors I just own this story so please no copying for their own stories. (Because yes I did see that in another Damon and Anne story I found on the crossover page on fanfiction, they are lucky I didn't report them for plagarism.) anyway on with the story... Ps I haven't watched this show in forever so if I got anything wrong plot wise (TVD) then please don't hate me!

Plot: after the events of Alaric's wedding, Anne lays comatose on the floor. In order to save his wife, Damon allows Bonnie to put him into her head and witness many of her memories. Will he be able to save her? Will Kai win and destroy Anne? Read and find out...

Memories Are Made of this...

Alaric's wedding had been a bloodbath. Literally. Thanks to Kai's chaos; most of the wedding party, including the bride had been killed. Elena had been knocked out and Damon had been knocked to the floor. When he regained consciousness; he tried to find Anne. The love of his life. His wife.

His sight became clearer, he stood to see his brother Stefan looming over an unconscious Elena with Caroline, Alaric sobbing over his dead fiancee's corpse and finally in the corner of the room; under a pile of debris did he notice brunette curls. He knew those curls anywhere. Anne.

Damon took in a large breath which Stefan heard; gazing at what his brother was staring at to which he felt shock and pity eminate off of him. His sister-in-law. Damon ran towards Anne; kneeling where her head was visible. It was clear that she was unconscious, a huge bloody gash was on her forehead, yet Damon was more concerned about the fact that she hadn't woken up.

"Why won't she wake up Stefan?" Damon asked in a panic while lifting the debris off of his wife. Stefan widened his eyes "Kai" he replied blatantly "he must've done something to keep her from not waking up". Finally both brothers managed to free Anne. Damon held her body close to him in an embrace that could've smothered the average human being. "Bonnie" he whispered, holding the love of his life close "let bonnie have a look at her" Stefan nodded and went to search for the Bennett witch.

Damon salvatore refused to believe or to allow the notion that Anne was dead. They had been married for nearly 150 years and he wasn't going to allow a little punk like Kai try to take her away from him. However, when Bonnie did arrive, she eased Damon's fears by confirming that Anne was alive and informed him about how Kai gloated to her about casting a spell on Anne to put her in a coma; making her relive her past. Her memories, the best and the worst.

"Can you find a way to stop him?" Damon asked trying to keep his temper in check "it will be difficult and may take time, but I think that I can" Bonnies replied. Damon thought for a moment.

"Put me in there" he said curtly "put me in Anne's head and let me see her memories" Bonnie looked at him in shock. "Damon..." "If I stay out here, then I'm gonna want to hunt Kai down and tear him to pieces, please Bonnie please" he begged; nearly reduced to tears, his undead heart breaking little by little.

Bonnie gave a look of contemplation before responding "if I do this, you still won't be able to communicate with her; you will only get to see her memories" she exxplained. Damon nodded; still trying to fight back tears "but at least I'll get to see Anne" he replied.

The salvatore brothers carefully took Anne's body back to the boarding house and put her on the bed she shared with Damon. Bonnie instructed Damon to lay down next to her on the bed; to which he complied taking Anne's hand in his in the process. He closed his eyes and began to slip into unconsciousness at the sound of Bonnie's voice.

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