^^Having fun with them^^Chapter 2

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{Sry for bad grammar, English isn't my first language 🙇‍♀️}

~They Both went to go inside.Bokuto greeted them with a happy smile, and Kageyama wasn't scared anymore(just a bit sometimes).
<<I'm Bokuto and you?>>
<<Tobio!>>Kageyama smiled.He liked them~

<<Are you Hungry?>> Bokuto asked when he heard Kageyama's stomach.
Akaashi saw Kageyama nodding, he then startet walking to the kitchen.
<<What would you like to eat, Tobio?>>
By his look could Akaashi tell that Kageyama doesn't had a clue what to eat. Since Kageyama hasn't a clue what to eat, Akaashi needed to look for something.
<<What about spaghetti with sauce, or do you want me to cook something other?>>
<<spaghetti is good>> He nodded.

~After He put everything on the table. And everyone started eating>>

Akaashi noticed that Kageyama is potting his food. And slowly eating. It was okay for Akaashi, the boy only need to eat something. Since he looked like he didn't eat a long time ago.
<<Soo want to tell something about you?>> it was a comfortable silents.
<<mhm, I love milk>> Akaashi chuckled Laughing (it sound soo weird :/ I didn't know what to write sooo)

~After they eat and after talking about them self.~

<<Want to watch a movie?>> Bokuto said exciting. As Kageyama nodded.
<<Which movie?>>
<<Luca, from Disney >>

<<Which movie?>><<Luca, from Disney >>

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They both laughed at the boy.

~All of them had so much fun together. They watched different movies. ~
(I'm bad with the clock soo)

<<Look I think you should go home now.>>
Kageyama took a look at the clock and noticed he was too late. He needs to go home NOW.
<<ehh, yeah bye >> he waved at them and quietly ran out of the house.
<<That was kinda weird>>
<<I agree>>

(I'm in the bus right now ._. My teachers are sooo dumb. We just walked 2 hours or more only to make a 15 min. Break ._. And then we need to walk again 2 hours or more ._. I can't I feel like I'm dead but I'm alive)


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