•Part 1: First Day Back•

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It was a normal first day of camp,

or that's what everyone thought at first.

It was early in the morning,around 7 a.m. when the busses had arrived at the entrance of the camp,and everyone exited the busses. Campers from the years before were there,and some new campers as well. Harrison was the last kid off of the busses,he looked like a nervous trainwreck,sweat was staining his face as everyone just glared at him with confusion.

Harrison gulped as he just looked at the ground,his hands behind his back. He just sighed as he lifted his head back up and tried to smile normally. “Um- hi everyone!” Harrison practically yelled out of nervousness and wanted to end the uncomfortable silence.

Everyone just started muttering to one another,most likely about how strange Harrison was acting. Harrison just sighed in relief once David showed up and greeted the campers,Max by his side like always. “Well,good morning,and welcome to Camp Campbell,campers! Let me give you a tour around the camp!” David had a huge smile on his face,it was almost kind of scary how..happy David can be.

Everyone groaned,and Nikki just glared at David. “But David,we already know our way around the camp! Why do we have to have a tour every year?” Nikki tilted her head like a puppy. “Well- I guess we don't have to have a tour every year but it's just so you can remember if-” David noticed that the campers had all went to the Mess Hall and sighed.


“So Harrison,what the fuck was up with you earlier?” Max stabbed his fork into the table,grinning mischievously as he did so. “I just uh- I forgot that I wanted to do a magic trick for my parents before I left!” Harrison quickly replied. Max just nodded as he looked at Nikki and Neil with a face full of confusion,and they just shrugged in response,but it was most likely that they were all thinking the same thing,
Why is Harrison acting so weird?’

Everyone turned around as the doors to the Mess Hall opened,and groaned when they realized it was just David and Gwen. “Alright you little shits,get outta here and go set up your tents.” Gwen sighed as she leaned against the wall. Everyone just got up and did what they were told,it took about three hours for people to completely set up some tents and unpack,along with choosing who they would have to be stuck with for the rest of the summer.

Max and Nikki to decided to share a tent this year,and Neil decided to share his tent with Preston. Once everyone had decided who to share their tents with,it was around 11:00 p.m.,so they had time to kill before lunch,specifically about two hours. So they all decided to swim for a bit while they waited,they all swam for an hour,except Max.

Max just stayed on the dock,reading a book David had given him. Max couldn't swim,his parents never taught him,since they could care less. Max sighed as he thought about all the fun everyone was having right now,and he had to miss out on it,just because he couldn't swim.

Max just shook the thought away and continued reading his book,but was soon disturbed by Nikki and Neil fighting. Max just looked at them confused as he got up and walked over to them. “The fuck is going on?” Max groaned.

“Well Nikki is saying that every few years this shitty place does something where we can take over the camp,tell her she's wrong! I've never heard anything abo-” Neil was cut off by Nikki. “My mom said that they did! Max,who do agree with? Me or Mr. Smarty-pants?” Nikki and Neil glared at Max,obviously wanting an immediate answer. “Uh,can't we just ask the counselors or Campbell about this?”

Nikki and Neil groaned in frustration as Max said this. “Why didn't we think of that?! God dammit.” Neil yelled and Nikki basically dragged him to the counselors,and Max following beside them. Nikki just stared at the counselors for a minute before finally saying something. “Gwen, David?”

“Yes,Nikki?” Gwen didn't take her eyes off of what she was reading at all. “Um- so my mom told me that every few years this camp does something where we can take over the camp,is it true?” Nikki sighed as she just glared at David who was now panicking,thinking of an answer,and Gwen who wasn't even paying attention to the question Nikki had asked. Nikki just sighed and was about to leave when David answered. “Um,we do that stuff every ten years- but I don't think you guys should participate,ignore the fact that you guys could be a traitor,alright?”

It would be impossible to not to play,to not try to guess the traitor. It could be anyone.

This was going to be a long ass summer,and they'll use every minute they have of it,trying to guess the traitor.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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