Cocoa cookie x Sea Fairy cookie 🌾🍄

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(TW for self-deprecating??? thoughts. The only reason I ship these two is bc these two kept being paired together for trophy race, and overtime I sort of portrayed personalities onto them and I slowly just started to think 'hey they're kinda cute together')

Cocoa cookie was strolling along one of the many paths hidden within the borders of the kingdom when she heard the cry

It was a cry for something, not exactly a certain thing, it just wanted to gain something out of it. Thankfully Cocoa cookie ran down a beaten path where she heard the startling cry.

"Hello! Is anyone down there?" She yelled as she headed toward the edge where a muddy creek trailed down into a bigger body of water.

Cocoa cookie was about to dismiss the cry as a stray cake hound until she noticed a certain cookie...just laying in the...creek?! Why the creek of all places she thought, as she hopped down to the muddy bank next to the creek.

"Sea fairy, what are you doing down here!?" Cocoa cookie exclaimed in concern, stumbling closer to the creek.
"What's the point Cocoa? What does this world require from me? I'll just mess everything up. I just wanna go, I just wanna go, I just wanna-" she kept muttering those solemn words that Cocoa cookie couldn't bear hearing.

"Sea fairy, listen to me," Cocoa cookie leans down, her knee promptly soaked by the creek as she faced Sea Fairy cookie at eye-level, placing a hand on her cheek did the trick though. "We NEED you ok? We don't care if you do something that would benefit the kingdom, at the end of the day you're presence is what keeps most of us in line. You brighten my- everyone's day in your own way." Sea fairy cookie's face turns just the slightest hue of pink.

"Oh it has gotten quite late Cocoa, let us go back to the kingdom together." Sea fairy cookie suggested.

Cocoa cookie chuckled and hopped up onto the ledge she had previously looked over and held out her hand to Sea fairy cookie. "C'mon the others are probably worried about us!" Sea fairy accepted her offer and heaved herself up the ledge with the help of her hand.

Even after they had climbed the ledge, both cookies still had there hands intertwined, and only once, they broke their hands apart so Cocoa cookie could put a dazzling flower in Sea Fairy's hair

[For the sake of this story and for the sake of me not having to write an essay on how Sea Fairy's hair works, I settled for this]

They clasped hands again once they had entered the safety within the kingdom walls, and after parting both could never get their mind off each other, wondering what else could have transpired that day.

[hopefully this wasn't terrible, I didn't run it through Grammarly so hopefully this wasn't to horrible to read, I'm planning on writing a rlly fluffy one next!]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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