The Start... (S.01 Chap.01)

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{I do not own My hero academia as the plot is mine and the ideas are mine and this I how I view MHA personally that is not overpowered at the start but good enough for myself to feel shivers and I will take my time on this and also think through it and also This is a fanfic dont think MHA is like this and also I will be using the DemonSlayer Technique Total Concentration Constant for Izuku since he learned it MMA From his personal Sensei and also Izuku will have a quirk that was weak which is actually a bone density quirk to make his bones stronger and able to handle one for all but it really isn't a quirk to others since its only enhancing the body of users so its not really a quirk but something he was born with to.}

"All Might Speaking"

"Normal Speaking"

'Talking in Mind'

The world had started to change, a single baby in XXXX had started to glow and that one baby had started something called a quirk a superhuman power that 80% of the world has and the 20% was without quirks and since the rise of quirks a new profession had started, those with the strongest quirks had become known as Pro Heroes the ones who protect us all from the villains those who use their quirks for the wrong reasons as heroes were the ones to save the public and make sure that everyone was safe as our streets were scenes out of a comic book, and the hero that rose to the top was the number one hero in each country or state, and for Japan, Tokyo our number one hero was All Might the world's strongest Pro Hero, he had single handily defeated so many villains in Tokyo, Japan and had lowered crime down allot and Japan was at peace will small villain fights and heists but as for me, my name is Izuku Shimura Midoriya my mom had found out she was the secret daughter of Nana Shimura by a letter that was in a heap of mail for her and I had found out I was related to a pro hero which was amazingand I was also quirkless and I didn't get a quirk cause I am quirkless but I learned Mixed Martial Arts when I was four and had began a training regimen before meeting All Might...and this is the story of how I became The World's Greatest Hero like All Might but stronger.

~<{When Izuku Midoriya Shimura is 4 years old in the year XXXX and on his birthday}>~

A young boy with dark forest green hair and black highlights and messy fluffy hair had woken up in his All Might themed room as he woke up smiling like All Might as he got out of his room and ran out to his mother who was cooking breakfast as he yelled, "Kaa-San! It's my birthday today! And I'll get my quirk to so I can become kid like All Might!!!" and his mother smiled and picked up her son and held him close to her as she laughed softly saying, "Happy Birthday my Baby boy!" after breakfast was made and eaten he was taken to the quirk doctor to see what his quirk was as his mom on the way there had gotten him a All Might Action figure and also saw a flyer of MMA lessons can help anyone even quirkless and mostly quirkless people as she put it into her purse and both her and Izuku went to the quirk doctor.

~<{At the quirk doctor}>~

Izuku was waiting with his mother for the doctor to call on them as Izuku was holding his Limited Edition Silver Age All Might figurine as he was playing with it as Inko watched her son play with his figure as she ruffled the little boys hair gently as she was happy and she didn't know that he wouldn't get a quirk but wanted Izuku to get her quirk to use but when they were called and after the doctor that had X-rayed Izuku's foot had said softly, "I'm sorry kid but you do not have a are quirkless..." he was a doctor that was their family doctor a man with odd looking goggles and a bushy mustache as Inko saw her son gain a sad smile and frozen with sadness as she explained to the doctor her and Hisashi's quirk and they were divorced to cause he worked to much overseas and never cared about Izuku and left him before he was born and her as well and Inko told the doctor that her mother was Nana Shimura a Pro hero who perished in the line of being a pro hero and so after the appointment she managed to get Izuku calm and said. "Izuku I still believe you can be a hero even without a quirk and so I'll take you to get lessons of Mixed Martial arts to be a hero who can handle themselves and that will be you Izuku cause I have faith in you!" Izuku looked up at her from the backseat and teared up as he felt so much faith and so much love as he said, "Thank you Kaa-san for believing in me.." and after this moment Izuku began to train hard and work harder and for years he had been taking his training seriously and also asked his mom to take up Bo-staff lessons with his Mixed Martial Arts Sensei and she allowed it and after years of training he got strong enough to fight back when Bakugou and his lackey's bullied him and he fought back.

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