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Keefe POV (apologies for any Grammer or spelling mistakes. No one is perfect)

Keefe holds the cobalt blue crystal up to the light as he turns away from Grady. It'll be better this way. Everyone would be happier if he was gone. They would all be safe as long as he stayed far, far away. He didn't want to take the Imparter from Grady- but if it would let him leave without a fight, it was worth it. For now.

He steps into the blinding blue light and lets it take hold, whisking him away to a place where he couldn't hurt anyone he cared about.


The first thing that hit him was the ground. Because it was too much to ask for to land on soft grass, Keefe materialized about four feet above solid concrete. And landed on his butt. The second thing was the air- or how it smelled, at least. Defiantly not as clean as the lost cities. They weren't lying when everyone was talking about how polluted the Forbidden cites were.

The third thing that hit him was a shoe.


"Hey! What was that for?!" He shouts at no one in particular. Keefe quickly clamps his hand over his mouth realizing what he just did.

He talked. He did the one thing he told himself he would never do again.

"That was for falling out of the sky! And appearing out of nowhere!" A voice above him said.

Keefe carefully turns his head up and he meets the striking, glaring deep blue eyes of the girl above him. Her medium length light blonde hair went perfectly with her soft, sculpted features and slightly pale skin. Under different circumstances, Keefe would've started flirting with her. Cracking a joke was always a nice way to start things. And he was tempted. But he held back... a feeling that he would have to get used to from now on.

"Well?! How did you get here?!" She demanded. Keefe didn't have the energy to argue with her, or do anything except stand back up, grab his backpack, and try to figure out where he was without talking to anyone. Especially this girl.

"Hey! Where are you going?" She asked as he picked himself up off of the ground. He didn't reply.

Looking around at his surroundings, Keefe could figure out a few things. The sky was pitch black, without a star in sight. He couldn't tell what time it was, but it had to be only a little bit passed midnight. He seemed to be placed at the very entrance of an alleyway between two very tall buildings. When Keefe peaked his head around the side of the one closest to him, he saw that this must be the downtown area of one of the Forbidden Cities.

"Uh you really don't know where you're going, do you?" The strange girl asked as Keefe started to wander down the side of the street, which was surprisingly busy with the weird death contraptions that humans use to get around in. Cars? He was pretty sure that was what they were called.

When he kept walking, she followed.

"Hey! Don't go that way!" She said sternly as she grabbed Keefes' wrist. The sudden action shocked him, and he wheeled around and came face to face with her. He tried to ignore the weird tingling feeling going on in his arm where she grabbed as he stared at her with a confused and slightly aggravated look in his eyes.

"See for yourself," the girl said in a low voice as she nodded her head slightly in the direction behind him.

Sure enough, when he turned his head, he saw five tall, muscular men in leather jackets and aviator sunglasses, with awful haircuts. Seriously, have these guys ever heard of this thing called a mirror?

They were probably meant to be intimidating by human standards, but when Keefe rolled his eyes and tried to yank his hand away, her grip only tightened.

"I know they don't seem like much, but trust me on this one. They look like more then they are, but it still doesn't change the fact that they are fully armed and you seem to be a mute idiot that doesn't know how things work around here."

When she put it that way, it was hard to deny.  He wanted with every fiber of his being to protest, to say that he's not mute and can take care of himself. But this is a different world. And using any sort of elven power would probably make him end up in some sort of lab.

So he just looked down at the ground, unable to meet her stare once again.

"You have no where to stay... do you?" She questioned in a slightly softer tone.

All Keefe could do was give a slight nod in agreement. He found the courage somewhere inside him to bring his gaze up to study the girl a bit more.

She was only a few inches shorter than him, but looked about the same age. Her hair hung lazily over her shoulders and a few strands framed her face. She wore a light, gray and navy jacket over a black tu-... t-shirt. He would have to get used to what humans called things sooner or later. The lack of shoe on one of her feet answered the question of where she got said shoe she'd used to wack him with.

The look on her face resembled pity, but it didn't feel like it. Keefe wasn't sure what the strange emotion was that came off of her, and he wasn't sure if he liked it. The girl lets out a sigh, and looks like she's fighting a battle with herself.

"Ok look. You can come with me for now, but nothing will be permeant ok? I'm sure Odie wouldn't mind. You good with that?"

Keefe wanted to ask so many things... but it would be better if he stayed silent. He wouldn't hurt anyone. So he reluctantly nodded his head, and the girl let go of his wrist and offered a half smile.

"I'm Arya. Arya Fay."

After a moment of them just looking at each other she adds, "This is the part where you tell me your name, if you didn't pick that up yet."

"Oh- um... I'm Keefe," He mutters, barely above a whisper as he turns his head away again, slightly flustered. Keefe was usual good at this stuff... and now he was tripping over his words.

"C'mon. Ivynook is this way," Arya says before turning over her shoulder and walking away.

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