Chapter 38: Life and Love

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"True love is not the number of kisses, or how often you get them, true love is the feeling that still lingers long after the kiss is over." - Anonymous


Rumi looked around nervously, every instinct in her body telling her to run away and find someplace safe. This place was not where she should be, and she never imagined that she might end up in a place that unnerved her like nothing else.

"Rumi stop dragging your feet and get in here!" Cassandra commanded teasingly. "It is just a lingerie store."

After visiting the grave of Izuku's mother, Rumi had gotten a call from Cassandra asking if she would be willing to help her do some clothes shopping with Miyu.

What Rumi did not know was that the request was a cleverly disguised trap.

Once again wearing her kitsune-style disguise, Rumi had met Cassandra and Miyu at one of the upscale shopping malls in the wealthy part of the city. By the time the rabbit hero realized that Cassandra intended to subject her to the torture that was clothes shopping, it was too late.

Cassandra had a sharp eye for fashion, obviously having plenty of experience due to her superstar status. The talented singer had (correctly) guessed that the only normal clothes Rumi had in her wardrobe were either masculine or of the casual unisex variety. It seemed that Miyu was in the same boat, as she spent most of the first hour constantly apologizing to Rumi for getting her involved in Cassandra's scheme.

It had started off innocently enough, Cassandra pushing her two anxious companions into a designer clothing store and having them try on outfits that were all of the feminine variety. While Rumi did not initially see the point of buying new clothes, all Cassandra had to mention was how Izuku would love to see his girlfriend in something other than a hoodie.

"Don't worry Rumi." Cassandra said confidently with a gleam in her eye. "By the time we are done I promise you that we will have found a few outfits that are going to make Izuku's jaw drop."

Assured by Cassandra's confidence, Rumi had let the music star work her fashion magic. While the process of actually trying on the various pieces of clothing was not that fun, Rumi did find a sort of perverse joy in watching Miyu blush and stammer as she tried on cute clothes. In a way, it was comforting to know that there was one other person who was completely out of their element as well. When Cassandra had asked Miyu what clothes she wore on her days off, Miyu's best answer was simply "tactical".

At first, Cassandra had eased Rumi and Miyu into the process of trying on new clothes. It started off with unisex clothing in feminine colors, but as time went on Cassandra eventually had Rumi and Miyu trying on dresses, swimsuits, and even heels. Rumi had been doubtful that any store would have heels that would fit her rabbit-like feet, but Cassandra had quickly destroyed that theory by visiting a specialty shoe store. In the age of quirks, anyone could look like anything. Obviously for the more exotic types of feet certain types of shoes would need to be custom made, but if anything, expert shoe makers relished the challenge of designing footwear for unique individuals.

As a store assistant had been in the process of measuring Rumi's feet, Cassandra had eagerly explained how fashion worked in the age of quirks.

"Take someone like Hawks for instance." Cassandra said like a teacher elaborating on their favorite subject. "Normal suits and tuxedos dont have holes for wings like his, so he has those kind of outfits designed specifically for him. Part of being a pro-hero is not just doing your job well, but looking good while doing it. You don't see someone like Edgeshot or Gang Orca running around in a hoodie or sweatpants do you? Trust me Rumi, the fashion industry used to be so boring when everyone looked the same. Nowadays if you have a design in mind there are good odds that there are at least a few people who would look amazing in it."

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