753 44 39

Bed time

I crept out my room and quickly made my way to the open area

Bobbie never came back to our room so I made sure I had my lanyard

I made it to the open area and began to crawl under the tables


I froze in place

" HEY YOU KNOWWW HOW I LIKE ITTT" a guard finished singing

I let out a breath of relief And I began crawling faster then I previously was

Once I made it to the boys side I made a quick run for it and entered in

I began to quickly walk down the hallway

Once I got to jahsehs room I knocked three times

" YURRR" Elijah yelled

I chuckled and quickly made my way to sajies room

I don't even know what room it is

" xxoria what you doing down here" Beaty said stopping me in the hallways

" wheres sajie room" I questioned

He straight faced me

" the fuck you wanna know where his room at for you know ja-

" he knows he knows we're doing something just tell me where his room at" I said trying to get him to hurry up

He sucked his teeth

" room 15" he mumbled " and if I go and tell jah and what you saying don't match up we getting somebody to fuck your shit up" he said walking past me

I shook my head and made my way to sajies room

Once I was there I already noticed the door was cracked so I opened it all the way

As soon as I walked in I immediately got stares from everyone

" yo see I told y'all I wasn't lyin" sajie smiled standing up

I walked in the room some more

" oh so you was deadass" one of the other boys said

Sajie nodded his head and smiled

I started getting a little nervous

" so what's all that shit you said you was on" he said standing in front of me

I smiled and chuckled

" I'm on everything I already said I was on" I responded

" damn she thick" one of the boys said grabbing my butt

I jumped a little

" so come on" sajie said going over to his bed

I followed behind him

" you gonna take your clothes off" he chuckled

My eyes almost fell out my head

I thought my ears deceived me until I felt him starting to lift up my shirt

I put my arms up so it could come off

" damnnnn" one of the boys said

I wanted to throw up

He threw my shirt to the side and stared at me

I quickly grabbed his face and kissed him so this wouldn't lead to anything that I didn't want to happen

He lead his hands up and down my side and he started gripping on my butt

I know one thing

I will never do this again

I felt his hand go down my pants so I grabbed it and lead it back up

" not yet" I mumbled into the kiss

He chuckled and started trying to put his tongue in my mouth

I started putting my teeth in the way so it wouldn't enter

He backed away from the kiss and started laughing

" can we turn the lights off this is awkward" I said

The other boys sucked there teeth and cut the lights off

There weird in here

The door suddenly opened and the lights cut in

" be- xxoria? " Terrence said as he walked in

My heart started rising back up since it dropped when he opened the door

" what I say T I told you I could take that nigga bi-

" take who bitch" jahseh said pushing Terence all the way in the room

I backed away from sajie and went to grab my shirt

I could see jahseh was Eyeing me but I didn't pay it any attention

" bro what the fuck is yall doin in here" sajie said mugging them

" mannn fuck allat what you say bout amber yo" mike said stepping up

I did not want to be here when this unfolded so I quickly put my shirt on And left out the room

" fuck how am I supposed to get into there room" I said stopping midway in the hallway

I ran back to sajie room

As soon as I walked in all I saw was mike send a swift punch to sajie jaw and all the boys just started fighting

This was actually the most silent fight I Ever witnessed

I started panicking once i saw one of the boys get slammed on the ground and there head smack the floor

I need the lanyard I need the lanyard

I started trying to pull somebody off but that only lead to me getting the air knocked out of me

" FELLAS back to your damn rooms cut this foolish ness out" a guard said standing in the doorway

I never turned around to face the guard either

I just scooted to the side where the wall was and stood there

" I'm gonna count to five until I send you all to the board" she said

Why do the guards let the boys slide with this typa stuff


They all started letting go of each other and quickly walked out the room

Jahseh snatched me up and took me out the room

It was so fast I'm pretty sure the guard couldn't even register if I was a boy or girl

As we were walking back to there room nobody said anything and it was just a bunch of heavy panting going on

Once we got back to there room jahseh opened the door and pushed me in the room

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