Bai Qian/Ye Hua [叁]

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A/N: So I got really bored/stressed lately, I'm always waking up for school much earlier than I need to because my brain won't stop generating horror movie plots at 3am in the morning when I have to wake up at 45 past 5 -_- . This came from a old fanfiction idea I thought of that I'm just continuing on google docs for fun, so I'll just give the context. 

WARNING: Here's heads-up: it's pretty NSFW later in the center (which I have marked out) so good luck y'all, idek why I'm writing stuff like this but don't ask, I had bio today and believe me I couldn't explain why I knew so much about oxytocin (we're learning endocrine systems and oxytocin is a hormone which is kinda what the endocrine system is in charge of regulating) to my groupmates other than 'rEsEArcH' and yeah so I've ranted too much and once again I must express that I AM A ROOKIE AT NSFW PLEASE so please I'm not sure how it legitimately is and I'm no smut master so y'all please please please no judgie okayyyyy 😭🥺👀

Context: Basically, it's like all the normal others where Bai Qian is pregnant with twins before Ye Hua dies but he dies and they find out. And then she goes to the mortal realm with A-Li, finds a mortal called A-Hei that looks 100% Ye Hua, finds out that it was half of Ye Hua's shadow (Ik I'm playing at ELOD now but nah I just couldn't think of a better idea why A-Hei would be related to Ye Hua), finds out Ye Hua actually assigned most of his fragmented soul to A-Hei and so sometimes can possess his shadow, and then later the Celestials find out Bai Qian was harbouring Ye Hua/A-Hei, they charge her for harbouring Celestial royals, lock her into the old water dungeons of Yao Guang, and so all this takes place right after Bai Qian has been tortured thrice by the water treatment, Ye Hua finally manages to forcefully gather his soul back and gain his body back and saves Bai Qian. 

Phew okay that was long. Now the story actually starts. Enjoy (I guess?) :)


"Here, here! Hie, who wants soup?"

Bai Qian smiled at her family's antics. Feng Jiu and A-Li had just brought out a big pot of soup, steaming hot and smelling of the best ingredients Bai Qian had scented in the longest time. Ye Hua sat behind her on her bed, acting as her back rest as he gently rubbed circles in her lower back, easing her discomfort. Her second brother, Bai Yi, was surly as always, but it always brought her a sense of security, and Bai Zhen and Zhe Yan were chattering at the table, with the Old Phoenix occasionally shooting her glances through the opening to her room to check that she was fine, and not on the verge of fainting.

This was family.

And she was glad that she always had them.

"What gave you the idea to flee to the mortal realm, you silly girl?" Bai Zhi was positively raging when he had seen a supposedly dead Ye Hua walk right in with his rather pregnant (but she was not supposed to be-?!) daughter in the young man's arms. "You scared us, Xiao Wu! You scared us all!" Her mother had sobbed into her hair, just as one of the twins had decided to shift a little, and that had distracted her mother enough to make Bai Qian smile through her tears.

And Ye Hua...and A-Li...and the twins...

Her new family members.

She'd never understand how she could have thought, back then, that she would live on without them.

No, never.

Bai Qian knew that answer the moment she had seen his soulless body.


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