Have you ever doubt yourself about your importance in this world?
Shame for your failure not even succeed.
Shame for impossible not even get changed to be possible.
Shame for your lost not even get what you want.
Shame for all the lies that you have been said not even get the truth.
Shame for unconscious and conscious things done that aren't right.Tell yourself right now,
"I'm God Masterpiece.",
"I'm a Child of God.",
"I'm Essential to God."; and
"I'm Possible."IN JESUS NAME!
Tell yourself right now, you are ESSENTIAL because God love's you. Even though God can't even hear your voice saying "I love you too, Jesus!" And He can't even saw it from what your doing. God is the one who made a move (action) for you to say that words and see what you are going to do because He will revealed his kingdom to you on your season. For the Bible says,
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."-John 3:16 KJVTell yourself right now, you are POSSIBLE because God can do possible things just fight for the good fight of your faith. God given you a chance to make a change and to make an impact. Do you want to allow changes in your Life? If there is a chance, therefore there's a change; yet your DECISION is highly significant.
For the Bible says,
"For with God nothing shall be impossible."
Luke 1:37 KJVTell yourself right now, you are GOD MASTERPIECE because God made you to be you. Just like, how you value the art that came from famous artist that you about given care to it and make that things valuable. And that's, how you are? The uniqueness inside and outside of you matter, that makes you Special to God. You are SPECIAL, You are WONDERFULLY made by the greatest creator, above all.
"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."-Ephesians 2:10 NLTWarning/Restricted:
"Don't destroy your BODY by ANY FORM."Once again, YOU are Masterpiece of God!
In Jesus name! Amen.
Today's Word
SpiritualWhere do you put the most of your TEA (Time, Energy, Action)?