Ouija, Ouija Part 2

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I said. "Are you kidding? How am I supposed to sleep now?" Samantha yelled. "We have to try." Carrie said. "How about we take shifts sleeping? Like every hour we switch." I said. "Sounds good to me." Samantha said. "I'll be right back." Carrie walked to the bathroom and shut the door. I stayed up first and let Samantha sleep, but started dozing off soon. An hour passed."Carrie, your turn." There was no answer. "Carrie. I said its your turn." Still no answer. I opened my eyes to see Samantha passed out on the floor drolling, blehh.. The light was still on in the bathroom. I went to open the door but it was locked. I knocked. "Carrie? You in there?" There was no answer. I went to wake up Samantha. I nudged her shoulder. "Samantha, do you know where Carrie is?" "No, I thought she went to the bathroom." "Ya, I never did hear the door open." "Weird.." She said. "Let's try to open the door, my dad taught me how to pick locks when I was little." Samantha said. "You have a bobby pin?" She asked. "I'll go get one." As I walked into my room, I noticed the Ouija board was out laying on my bed. "I thought she put it away..." I thought. I put it back in Carrie's bag. I walked back to Samantha. "Here you go." She snatched it out of my hands and bent it in half till' it was flat. She stuck the pin in the lock and jiggled it, then twisted it. Finally, the door opened. "Oh. My. God."

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