Wishing for Sweets

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Be ready for mild plot & lots of smut~ 

If you see any errors, i'm sorry. 

Word Count: 20,711


"Iida," Deku waved at the straight-laced student as him and Uraraka approached. Iida was standing next to a medium sized building where they were all supposed to meet up.

"Ah, Midoriya and Uraraka," Iida smiled and waved back.

The two finally made it up to him, and smiled politely, "Hope you haven't waited long Iida," Uraraka smiled brightly.

"Not long at all," Iida replied.

"That's good to hear," Deku sighed in relief, "Glad Aizawa-Sensei let us get out of the dorms for a bit today.

"I second that," Uraraka hyped up, "I needed to get out and do something besides studying and training!


"It's always good to get out and do things, but that doesn't mean we can slack off," Iida pumped his hands up in the air.

By this time, they were walking around in the store having their conversation, "Definitely not," Deku smiled and looked over at something in particular. There was a backpack standing out that was outlined with grey and had a mixture of deep red and blood orange. He couldn't help but think of Kacchan since he knew that his childhood friend was planning on going mountain climbing the next time they had a break.

"Oh, Midoriya," Uraraka popped up behind him almost startling him, "You thinking of getting this?"

"O-Oh uh-" He paused blushing, "N-no, I was actually thinking of Kacchan since he loves red and is planning on going mountain climbing again soon."

"Hmmm," She put a finger to her chin, "He told you he's going mountain climbing?"

"Uhh, no," Deku put a hand behind his neck, "I overheard him telling Kirishima about it."

"Eavesdropping is never good, Midoriya," Iida cut in making Deku feel even worse.

"I-I know," Deku's mouth quivered, "But how am I ever to talk to him when all he ever wants to do is yell at me!?"

"Bakugo is..." Uraraka fought to find the words she was looking for, "Well, he's a bit narcisisstic, isn't he?"

Deku's mouth parted, and he started laughing, "Pfft, yep," His smile lit up the room, "But if Kacchan wasn't confident in himself, he wouldn't be as powerful as he is!"

"That is true," Iida's eyebrow rose.

Shortly, a young petite woman walked up and put a hand on Deku's shoulder, "You need help looking for anything in particular?"

Deku flushed and yelped, "Ah-um, y-yeah, could you help me with this right here," He pointed towards the bag, and Uraraka and Iida smiled thoughtfully as they continued throughout their day.

Wishing for Sweets [BakuDeku] [Bakugo x Deku]Where stories live. Discover now