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Please watch the trailer of the book before proceeding, I recommend it:)

*sorry if there are any glitches!



^yep that about sums up how I'm feeling 

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^yep that about sums up how I'm feeling 

Note: This book is entirely fiction. The boys' characters DO NOT portray them in real life. I love the 1D boys and would never want to disrespect them in any way, shape or, form. This book is written for fun, so relax, and enjoy!

Side note: My grammar and punctuation can be wrong at times so kindly ignore that🤠

Please look out for these triggers in the book:


- alcohol/substance abuse

- violence

- sexual content

- abusive language

Once again, please, ONLY proceed if you are comfortable with dark content, If not, I highly advise you to put this book away. If you ARE comfortable, well then, have fun, hope you like it! ;)

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