visiting part 13 pt4

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Author style: flash back no jutsu
Izuku: alright Asuna be careful I'm gonna be in the training room
Asuna: Izuku that is one of the rooms I'm going to show them
Izuku: hmmm I'll use a hood and call me hydra
Asuna: Why Hydra?
Izuku: I don't know caus plot
Asuna: Makes sense
Author style: end flash back no jutsu

Ojiro: What is the big deal about it
Nezu: Nemuri what are you teaching in history class 
Midnight: The origins of heroes
Also Nezu: Allright everyone sit down I'm gonna teach about WW2   *ReAllY CaLm*
Todoroki and Bakugo: Bye suckers
Everyone else: Hey how come they get to leave 
Nezu: Oh I already explained everything to them a couple of months ago

Time Skip
With Izuku

Izuku wakes up with to the annoying rays of the sun
Izuku: I Swear one of these days I'm gonna destroy the sun 
Izuku stands up and goes to take a shower he then brushes his teeth and goes to the gaming room to  play some FOrTnITe-


 and goes to the gaming room to play some Halo.
Izuku: I wonder what bakugo and Todoroki are doing *Texting* "hey guys what you doing"
Izuku's phone: *ding new message from Todoroki "Nezu is talking about ww2"
Izuku: *texting* "oof he really likes that topic"
izuku's phone: *ding new message from Bakugo* "remember when I heard from my parents something about ww2 and I asked you guys but you didn't know and we ended up asking principal Nezu if he knew what  ww2 was.
Izuku: *texting* "yeah he talked about it for 24 hours "
Izuku's phone: *ding new message from Todoroki* " Yeah they were at it all night"
Izuku: *Texting* "Well see you in school"
Izuku gets up and goes to cook some food for himself and his family since his dad was taking care of his mother since she was pregnant 
(Author's note: Her mother never got fat just thought of saying that )
Izuku: *knock knock knock* 
Hisashi: come in
Izuku opens the door and gives his father and mother their breakfast
Hisashi: Thanks kid
Inko: Izuku you shouldn't have... WOKEN UP SO EARLY!
Izuku and hisashi sweat drop
Izuku: mom I always wake up at this time .______.
Inko: .................. how come I never noticed
Izuku: Its not like you've been busy every morning since we got here *cough cough cough*
Inko and Hisashi: ............................. 
Izuku: Bye *closes door*

With UA 
Nezu: and that is why the US joined the war now lets go to school then we can continue, we are not even half way through!
Sato: Just kill me already

Author style: time skip no jutsu

As UA Arrived to the school campus they all saw the Ferrari once again however they haven't seen the owner. They walk over to the entrance and see Asuna
Asuna: You guys look really tired
Sero: We just had a 12 hour le-ss-on o-n w-or-ld wa-r t-wo *falls asleep * 
Kaminari: Hey Asuna do you know the owner of that Ferrari
Asuna: ... (Shit I have to make something up) Nobody knows
This interested everyone even the dekusquad(bakugo, Kirishima, Todoroki,and izuku who is not present) who knew who the owner was
Mina: Why?
Asuna: We could say he doesn't want attention so he stays low profile he arrives first at school and leaves last without anyone noticing he hides and when a lot of people arrive he camouflages with them and then when schools over he hides again and waits for every one to leave and then leaves. He's like a ghost 
Momo: if he is like a ghost and no one has seen him how do you know his genre 
Asuna: Well I'm one of those students who arrives early so I'm friends with him (if they knew I actually ride to school with him)
Ochako: Do you think you could introduce me I can pay you well
Asuna: you tried to flirt with my boyfriend and you want me to help you now? I'm sorry did you hit your head when you were small? Plus he has a girlfriend ... Idiot . . . why don't you go with you arognant excuse of a boyfriend . . . o wait . . . He isn't even your boyfriend you are just a sex slave
Ochako: h-h-how do you know about that
Asuna: Didn't you hear my boyfriend yesterday he is literally Izuku's best friend (if he saw himself as it)
Ochako: But its impossible for Izuku to know since he is here and not in Japan
Asuna: How do you think your whole school found about it someone caught you on 4k

Asuna flash back start

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