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A/N: Heeeeey... How long has it been? Like.. 2 months? Yaaaahh.... I'M SORRY 😭 Butt this story is gonna end soon.. 😭 I know I'm bummed, too.. Hey! Lets make the most of it, eh? Eh? I'll update every week until the end of the school year! 😘 Love y'all enjoy the chapter! 🍫

Caren-Boo-Boo's P.O.V:

On returning from school from the infection, and my overdose, spring was upon us! With spring, comes the dance. Hon was going with Kate Upton, Gemma-Gemma was going with PizzaSplesha... *sigh* I could go with BElijah as a friend? No, he's going with the janitor, Yuki.

It's parents were clowns from Antarctica , so it's a clown/penguin.

I could hangout with DumbBitch... nah, she's a bitch. OBVIOUSLY. I guess I don't go with anybody... SIIIIIIGGGGGHHHHH

"Hey," said a handsom boy, "I couldn't help but notice how beautiful your sigh is". I blushed, "Oh, thank you...". I tried to find a way I could look at his butt, and see if he's good enough. Maybe later :/ . "Anyway, my name is Arhston Erwin" he said in his Australlian accent. "Oh, I'm Caren-Boo-Boo, but you can call me Caren-Boo-Boo".

BElijah's POV:

"Ugh. I don't wanna go to this dumb ass dance! It's dumb, and an ass!" I said to Hon. "Broh, cerlm derwn" Hon said to me. "Yer titz aer flyering erverywhure" "Hon, stfu", "Yer werener ferght?! YER LERL BERTCH! I WERL KIERL UR" Hon screamed. "Ah, shit Hon you scary af man" I told him doing the classic "Man Handshake".

"So, how are you holding up after Nikelodean?" Hon asked me. "I don't know, he was my best friend! My home- boy!" I exclaimed to Hon. Why don't I just ask Satan to bring him back? Naaaaahh, to hard.

"Hey, Hon" Ketty said as she began to walk with Hon, and I. "Wow thanks, bich" I said to her, "Oh, hey BElijah. Sorry I've been really stressed ever since the 8th grade dance started...". "Why are you stressed?" Hon asked, "Welp, I need to do my hair, get my dress, help set up, ect., ect.," she answered.

"Woah, how did you do that?" I questioned, "Oh the ect., ect., thing?". "Yeah", "Oh maybe it's because this is a fucking book". She said as she blasted through the ceiling flying, she flew past clouds, birds, hit about 3 planes, and was finally in space. "FUCK I CAN'T BREATHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She yelled. "Oh wait", she looked at the reader, and smirked "Yes I can".

A/N: Okay! That was my chapter after many months... Sorry I wasn't able to make it funny, I need to wait for the next chapter.

I would like to dedicate this chapter to the real Nickelodeon, who is actually moving : Even though I've known you for about a year, I'm still sad to see you go.. Peace Nick ✌️

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