Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Many years down the line from the abduction, a boy sat huddled by the window. He was hunched over a parchment with several pots of ink and quills laying nearby. Books lay discarded around him each open on a random page. The boy was small in height. He had messy black hair and breath-taking green emerald eyes. Around him were students, each varying in age doing different things. Watchful seventeen year olds observed from a corner while reading large volumes of books. It was the Gryffindor common room at lunch times and occasionally after school. There were no worries.

Harry Potter glanced up from his charms essay to see the portrait fling open and Hermione Granger walk in clutching a book to her chest. It wasn't an unusual sight for anyone as the bushy haired girl was always seen with a book either tucked in her pocket or peeking out of her bag. But when she had such a look of fierce determination on her face,  it was enough to make Harry slightly afraid. Ron Weasley had looked up from where he was flicking through Quidditch magazines and immediately flinched at the look on her face.

 As soon as she sat down, Harry quickly pushed his charms essay towards her too tired to hear what she would say when she would find out he hadn't done any of his schoolwork. Sometimes he wished somehow he could just escape. For one hour. Just to himself. Of course that would never happen. Especially with the threat of Sirius Black becoming even more of a reason for teachers to keep an eye on him. They even offered to apparate him to the Dursleys every night. Harry focused back on the conversation they were having.

"What do you have there 'Mione?" Harry asked furrowing his eyebrows as he stared at the old and very used book in her hands. Hermione glanced down at his work with a nod of approval before making some room to settle down and place her items.

"Its a potions manual. Professor Snape let me borrow it for an extra credit assignment." Hermione explained frowning at Ron disapprovingly when she saw he hadn't done any of his homework.

"Extra credit? What'd you need extra credit for? Your already top of the class!" Ron said exclaimed in a slightly exasperated tone throwing his arms up.

"I want to show Professor Snape that I can brew outside of the classroom with no help. He said that if I succeed with this assignment then he'd let me become student assistant." Hermione stared at Ron before rolling her eyes and grabbing a quill to mark up Harry's charm essay.

"Why would you want to do that?" Harry asked a little confused before taking back his essay and almost sighing with relief when it wasn't too altered. He often had a hard time reading Hermione's handwriting but didn't have the heart to tell her so often asked a seventh year to decipher Hermione's notes in his free period.

Hermione gave Harry a blank stare that clearly meant she was questioning his intelligence. "Because I want to become a potion mistress." 

This only got her even more blank looks from Harry and Ron. Ron because he couldn't fathom anyone wanting to work under the greasy potion bat Snape. Harry was confused because he thought his friend was going to pursue Wizarding Law with how passionately she fought for the rights of others.

"Don't look at me like that. Just because you haven't chose a career doesn't mean I shouldn't. I'm just being prepared." Hermione said rolling her eyes.

"But why Potions?" Ron complained as Harry shrugged. He honestly didn't know what was wrong with it. The subject itself was fascinating. Almost like cooking. It wasn't the subjects fault that their teacher could be crude and childish at times if he wanted to.

"Because I'm good at them. And don't you look at me like that. What are you going to do when your older? Huh? At least I have something planned."  She said hotly opening her book with a slam.

Both boys stayed silent. To be honest, it wasn't something they had given great detail into thinking. They knew what they wanted to do, yes, but not the exact details. They certainly didn't have it planned out like Hermione either. When choosing electives last year, they had a vague idea

"Well? I'm waiting. See you don't even know. Did you even pay attention to what electives you were taking? " Hermione said looking up from her book and staring at them smugly.

"That's not true. I know. I'm going to be a quidditch player or an auror. Don't need much work for it. That's why I chose Divination and Care of Magic creatures! And Harry's going to be an auror. He's the boy who lived. Still don't know why you chose those other electives mate. You could have chose the same as mine. There would be less work and we'd be together." Ron answered.

Harry scowled angrily. Yeah he had that idiotic title but it didn't mean his career was laid out for him. And who was Ron to choose for him? Without taking his opinion in consideration. And the reason he chose those electives was so he could get a decent job. Something that could help more than people knew. And to be honest he always loved the idea of helping others. Children. Adults. People who needed it. He had always loved the idea of being a doctor. Nothing had changed. He was just going to be the wizarding worlds version instead.

"Actually I don't really want to be an auror. The idea of fighting after everything is over doesn't seem that appealing. I just thought helping people sounded so much better. I want to be a mediwizard. " Harry said with a smile.

Hermione was clearly pleased with his choice. "That's amazing Harry. I'm glad you have a good career in mind. Your right. Fighting isn't always everything. There probably wouldn't even be much of it needed. But your going to have work hard for it. Extra credit would help." She held up the potions book trying to convince him to join her.

"No... I can't. I'm really sorry but I have to get home. There's so much to do. I'm loaded with chores and work and stuff. I really can't be late." Harry answered. He wished he could have. It would have been fun. Just him and Hermione working on potions together. It would have been nice. But he knew he couldn't. 

Soon, Harry left with Ron trailing behind much to his annoyance leaving Hermione behind looking through the potions book.

Hermione pursued the potions book she got from Professor Snape looking for the perfect potion to brew. She skimmed past the relatively easy potions they had learned earlier and turned onto the 6th year potions until she found the right one. It was a challenging one for sure. But that was what she loved about potions. She found the constant challenge exiting. Something that sent a thrill through her nerves. 

So she nodded determined. She was going to make this potion. She was going to brew the perfect heritage potion.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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