✨ Kingdom's tour ✨

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"Now... If you wander off and got lost, show them this tag, ok?" Nara said as she was pining the last tag on Shotaro's jacket and eyed the 8 Littles (Mark, 00's liner (minus YangYang) Sungchan and Jisung). "But please don't go wandering off without me." She could just used some lanyard but the Littles have the tendency to pull it off when they feel uncomfortable with it, so she decided to use a pinned tag. The kids nodded and she instantly regret for accepting Changmin's invitation for the Littles to visit him on the set of Kingdom.

Nara got a call from TVXQ's Changmin one morning and he was suggesting to give the Littles a tour on the set since he was bored in the waiting room. At first, she politely declined but he continued to ensure her that there will be no fans presented, not crowded and the place was sterilized and safe.

After making sure the kids were dressed and wearing a mask, they made the way to the mini bus SM provided. Jaehyun, Yuta and Kun were sending them off and the kids waved goodbye once they got in and on their car seats.

"We'll be back at 1 just before their nap time." Said Nara while the three just nodded. "Stay safe and call us if anything happens." Kun replied and she nodded.

The bus slowly drove off and the kids sang some nursery rhymes while Jisung just clapped along with Nara and cheered every time the songs ended. It was a fun ride since the driver was their manager and Haechan asked for him to sing along with them, making Nara to giggle when he did.

"The things I do for the kids." He mumbled loud enough for Nara to hear and she nodded as she agreed. "I could've agree more." He giggled in return.

They arrived and Changmin was there to welcome them. The manager left with the bus and will return when it was time to go home. Mark and Jeno held on to Changmin's hands as they walked in while Renjun held Mark's hand, Jaemin held Jeno's, Shotaro held on to Nara's cardigan with Sungchan and Jisung was being held by Nara.

They walked inside and got their temperature taken and hand sanitized before making their way to Changmin's dressing room. The kids sat on the couch provided as they waited for Changmin to finish getting ready for the show.

"누나..." Mark called and Nara turned to him and hummed. The oldest walked up to her and asked her to crouch down, so she did.

"Can we get some snacks from the machine?" He whispered and she giggled. Nara thought for a while and remembered a couple of vending machines through the hallways before nodding.

"You guys stay here for a while, ok? 누나is going to get some snacks for you guys with Minmin." Nara said to the other 7 and they nodded. "Don't go wandering around, ok?" She asked a staff to take care of them for a while for some extra caution and they nodded before she and Mark went down the halls to the vending machines.

Jisung being the 2 years old he is, couldn't help but wanted to tag along and he waited for the staff to look away and slowly made his way out of the room. Jaemin noticed the toddler was gone, so he too made his way out to find the missing toddler as he dragged Jeno with him. Then, Renjun noticed two of his friends went out the room, so he and Haechan quickly followed them hoping to catch up with them but they didn't and ended up lost.

When Nara and Mark returned, only Sungchan and Shotaro were left sitting on the couch and she started to panic.

Meanwhile, Jisung walked down the hallways trying to find his caregiver as he tried to search high and low through the busy semi packed halls. As he walked, he suddenly tripped over a few wires or cable cords on the floor and someone immediately went to him and helped him up.

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