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Nova's pov

A few days before my 18th birthday my "dad" said he was going to get some things so I could make dinner and never came back. And on my 18th birthday I did get a present from my "dad." I don't know why he is being nice to me now. Now I have a job and I now own my real parents house and every thing in the house I have told my "dad" where I live so he can send me things. I have got new things from him like new clothes, cat and dog toys. I have sent him letters and he has sent me letters back but one letter that he sent me was weird but loving.

Dear Nova,
I have always loved you ever since me and your adoptive mom adopted you. I never wanted to hurt you, your adoptive mom made me. I never loved her I loved a man called Jax, when me and Jax are ready we will come and visit you.


After I read the letter I started to cry, because when they abused me I still loved them both, so I sent a letter back.

Dear dad,
Even when you and "mom" abused me I still loved you guys and when you would hit me I always noticed that you where trying not to cry because of "mom" was always behind you watching you, and I can understand if you are not ready to come and see me yet, I hope I can meet your boyfriend soon and when you guys come I have something to tell you.


But I still want to find him so I can send him gifts for his birthday and in the letter I send him I am going to ask when he lives and when Jax

( A/N the way that she sends the letters is her dad sorta leaves hints to leave the letter for him like how he said adopted a lot he wants her to leave it at the adoption Center where they first met)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2022 ⏰

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