Meeting Ace

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After Shanks left, Luffy found that her grandfather Gary was coming to visit.

She ran for the water to hide since her grandpa can't find her there.

Only to be tricked when she found a tray of meat set up for her.

And of course Garp was shocked learning his granddaughter ate a Devil's Fruit.

Well, at least it made her cute.

He also thought that he can't place her near the water, but she could actually control it freely.

But, he was not happy when Luffy said that she was going to be a Pirate.

Luffy found herself being taken to a shack in a wild forest.

Garp was now leaving her in the care of a group of mountain Bandits lead by a large woman named Dadan.

Although there was another individual she would have to live with.


He seemed distant, judgemental, and stand-offish.

Like he didn't want to get attached to anyone.

Why was that?

Luffy wished she'd knew.

Ah, but she had more important things to do.

She looked around the forest for a bit, and she found a cliff near the ocean with a river nearby.

It was a perfect place to train!

"Here’s the bento you asked for."

"Thanks Dogma. I'll be back around sundown. I'll look for something for dinner too." Luffy smiled as she left.

She smiled as no one found her training area yet.

She trained with her water attacks to the point she gained two new moves: Bubblebeam and Haze, which would help with sneak attacks.

But she can't stop there, oh no.

Before searching for dinner, Luffy spotted Ace going somewhere frantically.

She wondered what happened for him to act like that.

Ace ran like a madman into the small clearing where he and Sabo stashed their treasure that they had stolen, glad to see that Sabo was already there.

“Sabo! We’ve got a problem! We’ve got to move our stash and lay low for a bit, Bluejam is going to be pissed!” He exclaimed, heading over to the tree where the treasure was hidden to make good on his words.

Sabo blinked, saying “Woah, slow down dude. What did you do to piss off Bluejam? I thought we agreed to avoid angering him!”

Ace scowled as he stuffed his pockets with as much treasure as he could. “I just found out that the last guy I stole from was part of his crew. He’s sure to tell Bluejam, and that’s definitely not good for us!” He replied.

Sabo sighed, before following suit and loading up on treasure. “You know that it’ll take multiple trips if we want to get everything right?” He asked. Ace nodded without saying a word.

“Who’s Bluejam?” A feminine voice asked from nearby. Ace barely paused, answering “He’s a big time pirate that’s been--” Suddenly, he cut off mid sentence as he registered that Sabo wasn’t the one who had asked.

Whirling around, he scowled as he saw the little girl with the strawhat that Garp had tried to dump on the bandits a few weeks ago leaning against a tree nonchalantly.

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