Stuff you should know!

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Hey new reader!!! :D 

*shakes your hand super aggressively*

(sorry if that was too much)

(I think I need to tone it down just a smidgen)

*clears throat*

Hello. It is nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy reading my -

(Ok, that's pathetic) 

*takes breath*

I'm sticking with the first one. 

Ok, so.. stuff you should know. 

I'm never good at this type of thing. 

Well, first.. 

Sadie.  - Our main character. Honest to a fault. Over-enthusiastic. Annoying. She's italicized 

(she sounds like me)

? - this is the second (?) main character. No one knows who they are yet. They seem annoying too, but a lot more toned down than Sadie over there. They're bolded

☆ - this is the STAR!!!! whenever this pops up it shows that a night has passed. The words between the stars all take place on a certain day. 

(hopefully I explained that well enough)

(the STAR was like the whole reason for this chapter)

The times - just shows when the text messages are happening

☏ - and the TELEPHONE because isn't that like the CUTEST THING you've ever SEEN? It just starts off a new chapter and separates the texting sections from the wordy sections.

I just like graphics. Hopefully it's not too confusing :)

This is a safe space. if you see any errors, then please tell me!

but of course some of what I do is intentional. 

as an author, everything is intentional and well thought out. 

(or so I tell myself) 

(I'm hoping the plot may just fall into my lap)

Annd I think I'm dragging this out. 

I hope you enjoyyyyyy 

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