The First Encounter

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"Damn, Y/n! You good?"

Above the hurt boy was his partner in his life, his best friend ever since he played baseball as he was on the ground, gripping his ankle and slamming his hand on the dirty floor. "Fuck... Yeah... I'm good..." he grunts as he feels his ankle slowly stop hurting, assuming that it was just a minor cramp he sustained.

"Okay, I think I'm good..." he slowly gets up. "I think we can-"


Y/n immediately falls to the ground and groans even louder, his ankle starts to emit a static feeling as he grits his teeth and holds his foot once more.

"What the fuck?!"

At this point the pain was rising, worse than the last time as he knows that he couldn't get up if he tries again.

"Ugh... Get someone, Patrick!" He requests to his friend as he nods and runs off to find a trainer or a doctor to help Y/n out that was on the floor.

Y/n continues to grip tighter at his ankle, it was slowly numbing as he sits down on the ground tries to move it slightly.

Nothing, he couldn't even feel his foot to begin with as his best friend and a trainer comes walking in and starts to tend to the boy's injury.


Y/n wakes up quick, his arms and head was laid out in the table as he realized that drool has sprung out from his mouth. His dizzy head props itself straight up, his dizzy eyes adverts to every blurry thing in its sight as he uses a wrist of his to wipe the falling spit.

He realized where he was and what he was doing before. He was in the library where he was reading a book he borrowed.

From his guess, he drifted off to sleep, he's been reading a lot while trying to put in the work for baseball for his upper body ever since he had gotten injured.

He takes a look down at his foot and remembers vividly what happened a week ago.

The worse pain he felt so far in his life.

It didn't matter anymore. The past is in the past as Y/n picks up the book that was on the table and reviewed what he had read so far.

Okay... Okay... Now I remember, the boy was going to the karaoke hall with the girls...

The book intrigued him, he wanted to read on right now but his ears catches a few girls laughing inside the library.

He glance towards the middle of the room and sees four girls together, talking and laughing as snacks and drinks were opened and leaving a small mess around. It baffles him to see them this careless as a certain girl catches his gaze.

Y/n's eyes widens as they met each other gaze and he turns back to the book he had read.

That girl...

That's right, he have seen her before in school.

Her blonde hair with a few small hair clips grabbing a few strands of hair. The chocolate brown eyes that met with his e/c, the tanned skin which gave off a cute and calming vibe from her for some reason.

He could feel a few more pair of eyes darting at him as it made Y/n feel uncomfortable.

It was obvious that the rest of the girls were staring at him but he didn't like it when it's just silent.

It felt weird to him as the gazes continues on.

He finally decided it was time to give up and just get out of here, his hand stuffs the book inside his backpack as he grabs his crutches from the side of the table and limped slowly towards the door.

Being on crutches for Y/n, it was a challenge he couldn't overcome. He would fall, stumble, it was difficult as he makes it past the table the girls occupied.

Then his eyes catches something on the floor. He goes to pick it up and finds out that it was a phone.

He turns his gaze to the nearest girl and who knew? It was the blonde that he locked eyes with. He taps his finger on her shoulder and they locked eyes again.

For some reason it made Y/n blush but he used all the confidence inside him and hands her her phone. "Here... It was on the floor..." he says, she grabs it and smiles softly.

"Thank you!~"

Y/n was thrown off from his feet, such a lovely voice by the cute girl. He blushes a tad bit harder but remains his composure.

Finally, he limps out from the room and left the area, a small smile grew on Sakura's face as she glance back at the table that Y/n sat by.

Soon she finds a small round object on the chair, she gets up from her seat and takes a small look at it in her hands.

Of course it was a ball but Sakura wasn't familiar with many sports. There were video game tournaments, football matches, rugby, but with a hand sized ball with a single lace looping around the white ball, this was definitely a sport she doesn't know fondly.

"Hey, Sakura! What are you up to?" One of her friends calls to her. Her eyes lands on a girl with orange hair as she takes one more look at the ball in her hands and stuffs it in the pocket of her navy skirt. "Nothing important.~" she answers as she heads back to her seat with her friends and continued to talk with them.

Well, for the three that is as Sakura takes another peek at the ball that was in her pocket and starts smiling once more.

I'm sure we'll meet again...

Sakura x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now