(SFW) what if Taco kept her word in episode 14?
What if Taco still had Mic's trust and Mic never quit?
Could there have been a better path for Taco and Microphone?
These questions and more will be answered in partners in crime!
I'm seeing Test Tube break lightbulb open with a rock from behind the bushes when suddenly a white light consumes me and I'm standing in front of Mephone at the elimination area. Everybody seems to be getting adjusted to being at a different spot so I take this time to turn around and talk to Taco. I'm a bit upset and hearing her voice right now would be a comfort. "Hey Taco." "Why hello Microphone! What seems to be the issue?" "Nothing, I just wanted to hear your voice again." I hear a bit of muffled noises from the other end but Taco tries to cover it up by coughing and changing the subject. "AHEM AHEM SO THE COMPETITION! Even though Lightbulb didn't get the flag back there.. you did a good job nevertheless!" "Thanks..." "Whats wrong Mic? I can tell that you're upset." I let out a sigh. I just wanted to talk about other stuff but I guess it would be alright to tell Taco what I'm feeling. "Well, ever since I witnessed that fight between Light Bulb and Test Tube, it kind of made me realize how serious this game is becoming." "It's always been a serious game Mic, the prize is a whopping million dollars! I'm a bit surprised that Lightbulb defended her flag so heavily though. I thought she didn't care about the game leading up to that moment." "Yeah." There is silence from both ends until Taco speaks up again. "Hey, don't worry, you have plenty of flags and the elimination will be over soon. What do you say to a little stroll after this? It'll help get your mind off of things, I'm sure of it." "That would be nice Taco." She's being extremely considerate to me now. It feels like just yesterday that she was insulting me. "Thank you for being so understanding lately. You've really turned around since I've met you and I couldn't be happier." "I'm glad to hear that Mic. Although your words are extremely endearing and I could listen to you all day, the elimination is starting soon. I won't talk to you until afterwards okay? Just... Try to keep your head will you?" "Will do." I turn back around to face Mephone. He looks at us thoroughly and seems to have a petrified look plastered onto his face.
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"What went on in there? Half of you are torn to bits!" "Nothing Mephone. Let's just get this over already." Test Tube sounds like she's trying hard to suppress her emotions right now. "Alright then, if you say so." He shrugs his shoulders, I guess Test Tubes opinion really was the only thing he needed to get the show rolling. "Everyone, let's see your flags!" Mephone walks up to us individually starting with Test Tube. "If you still have the flag that you were assigned to in the beginning, that's worth two points. If you have someone else's, it only counts as one." He takes the flag from Test Tube's wrist and unties it, he tries taking Lightbulbs flag from her but she grips it hard, not letting go, and Mephone has to pull it out of her hand forcefully. " Why are you being so difficult with me today Test Tube? Whatever. Since Test Tube still has her flag and lightbulbs, she gets three points. Nice going Test Tube." He says in a less cheery tone than earlier. "Now onto Baseball." Baseball lifts up his foot from the ground and takes a look at the flag. "Since Baseball has Suitcases flag, he only gets one point." "Um actually Mephone, I think I'd like to give Suitcase her flag back. She really deserves it more than me. I bribed her with it for so long in the game and honestly I'm feeling pretty guilty about it. I just want to be in control all the time you know? I've always been a leader with my alliance members but since me and Suitcase are the only ones left in the game I felt like I had to bribe her to get to do things with me even when I knew that she would probably do it anyways. So if doing the right thing here means getting out of this million dollar competition then so be it." "You don't have to Baseball, really." "No, I'm doing this Suitcase. You've been through so much and I've only made it harder on you by keeping this flag. I'm sorry for all of this trouble I put you through." Suitcase seems to be shocked that Baseball would give up his spot for her. "So is that alright with you Mephone?" He smiles at Suitcase and she smiles back. "Um, no Baseball, it's actually not. You had an hour to do this and you decide to do it in the middle of the elimination? That's just straight up rude! no takebacks you get one point." He looks upset that Mephone straight up denied him after that entire speech but he really can't do anything now.
"It's okay Baseball, as long as things are fine between us it doesn't matter if I'm the one eliminated." "I'm glad to have a friend like you Suitcase."
"Well that sure was touching, but we have to move on to the next contestant which is... Lightbulb! The brightest light in the game! The girl who always has the best ideas! Let's see your flags!" "I don't.... I don't have any mephone." "Awwwwe darn that's too bad! You seem to be in last place so far then, unless someone shares your spot." He says that last part jokingly as he walks over to Suitcase. "Let's see yours suitcase!" "Um... Well... You see, I don't have any either.. sooo..." "Well it seems that Lightbulb is sharing last place after all. You know, this whole point system is put in place so only one of you would be put in last but it seems that you've messed up my plans again." He passive aggressively says to Suitcase. She tilts her head down in shame but Baseball speaks up for her. "Well that whole point system thing was stupid anyways, and we literally did nothing you predicted we would do far." "Nobody asked for your input Baseball" Mephone says with a scowl. "Plus, it wasn't my idea anyways, it was Mepad's." Mepad, who has just been standing behind Mephone watching the elimination the entire time, looks down at his feet. "My apologies Baseball. I'll try to think of a better idea next time." Mephone turns to me and his expression lights back up again. "So what about you Mic?" I hold out my hand to show him mine and Baseball's flag. "FINALLY! someone with some flags here. I was starting to think you guys didn't find all of them in time!" "Microphone gets three points, two for her flag and one for Baseball's flag." "So, the contestants who are in the clear this round aaaaaaare....." We already know what he's going to say so none of us humor him at all. "C'mon guys? Any anticipation at all? Ugh, you final five are so boooooring. Fine, since you want to be so bland I'll just tell you. Baseball, Test Tube and Microphone congratulations, you are safe for this round." I'm relieved, even though I had a lot of flags this challenge gave me a lot of stress. "Now, since two people are sharing the bottom spot today, I'm not sure who I should eliminate." "I quit." "Lightbulb-" "Don't say another word Test Tube. We're done, you hurt me. And to think we were starting to be the best of friends... I'm sorry for taunting you but I don't think I can play this game anymore, it's not fun, especially since you're still in it." "What are you saying, Lightbulb?" "I'm saying I'm outta here Testy! See you never!" "Well this is quite unexpected! Lightbulb gives up her spot not even thinking twice! Too bad though, because surprise! I was just joking, I'm turning this into a double elimination! So Lightbulb saying she was quitting didn't really matter anyways. Lightbulb and Suitcase are OUT!" Everyone looks stunned to hear the news. "Man, your jokes are as bad as Cheesys" Baseball mutters under his breath. "What was that Baseball?" "Nothing Mephone." Suitcase seems to be shocked that she's getting out right now after everything she went through but Baseball walks up to her and gives her a supportive bump. Meanwhile Lightbulb is already walking up to the portal without a second thought. Test Tube runs up to Lightbulb to say a final goodbye. "LIGHTBULB WAIT! Before you go, I just wanted to say im- "Can it, Test Tube." She disappears into the portal leaving Test Tube behind. "Sorry." Test Tube takes one final look at the portal before turning her back on it. Maybe she still thought there was hope that Lightbulb would pop out her old quirky self again. Suitcase and Baseball walk up to the portal and Suitcase starts to say her goodbyes. "Well Baseball, be sure to win the million for us!" "I sure will Suitcase. Hopefully Nickel is still rooting for me at Hotel Oj." I see Suitcase cringe a little when Baseball says his name but doesn't bring the subject up. "Well Baseball, um, take care of yourself! Don't get as sad as you did when Nickel left, ok?" "I'll try my best Suitcase!" "See you later, I'll be rooting for you!" She disappears into the portal with a smile. Even though she was eliminated I feel like she knew it was coming one way or another. Baseball stands on front of where the portal used to be with a frown on his face. "Well everyone, congratulations on making it this far! You've reached the final three! Give yourselves a pat on the back!" We don't do anything other than stare at Mephone. "Or... Don't... tough crowd huh?" "No matter, We'll see who gets out next time on Inanimate Insanity!"