Chapter 8

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Pietro's POV:

I'm laying in my hotel room bed, when my phone dings. I look down and notice the text from Max.

Hi Pietro. It's Maxine. I'm sorry about my behavior earlier. I'll see you soon. Goodnight.

There was absolutely no reason for her to be apologizing and that will be a habit I'll need to help her break. I texted back tell big her to sleep well and is message her tomorrow.

Three days later...

Max's POV:

Pietro will be here in an hour to pick me up and take me to his home. I honestly don't know how to feel about it. I'm scared because I'm afraid he will hurt me just like my brothers do. Whether it's physical and/or emotional and mental. At the same time, he has been very sweet to me so I know he cares about me on some level. But maybe it's all a charade.

Since he left and everything transpired, I've kept to myself, locked in my room. My brothers have tried to coax me out, bribe me, beg, threaten me, anything they could think of. I haven't eaten anything the past three days except for drinking water and eating a little bit of the candy I had in my bedside drawer. I have no appetite. No willpower. Nothing.
I hear Benji at my door again.

Benji: "max may I please come in. Please Max. I really need you right now Max. I need my sister. I need my twin. Please. I just need to see you and possibly hold you. Maxi please let me in"

I hear his voice crack and I know he's crying. It's like I can feel it. I feel heartbroken. Benji hasn't really done anything to hurt me. At least not intentionally or on purpose. I go to my door and unlock it. He walks in and he looks almost as miserable as I do. He immediately comes to me and wraps me in his arms, tears pouring down his face.

I can't help but instantly break down into tears as well.

Benji: "I'm so sorry maxi. I'm so sorry. I love you. Please don't hate me max. I can't take it if you hate me"

Max: "I could never hate you Benny."

He pulls away from me and looks me over.

Benji: "oh Max. What have we done."

Benjis POV:

I look at my sister and take in her appearance. She's as thin and frail as can be. She's paler then a ghost it seems. Her cheekbones have sunken in. She looks miserable and distraught. I can't help but hate myself and our family for this it's all our faults. I know she hasn't been eating or taking care of herself snd it breaks my heart.
I can't believe she's leaving today. I don't want her to at all but she doesn't deserve to be here under our brothers wrath. She deserves more freedom. Pietro promised me that she would be safe snd that he wouldn't hurt her like our oldest brother had. I can only take his word for it and pray he will make her happy.

The doorbell rings and I know he's here to get her. I grab the two suitcases she packed and bring them downstairs. I see my brothers talking to Pietro at the door. I tell them I'll go grab her and be right back.

I get to her room and she hugs me one more time. We slowly start to walk down the hall. We reach the stairs and start going done. I notice Max is unstable and wobbly going down the stairs. Halfway down she slips on a step and begins to fall down a couple stairs. I was able to catch her fall by grabbing her arm. Pietro ran up the stairs and met us where she landed. Max whispered a small sorry and said she didn't feel very well. She looked even more pale. Pietro picked her up in his arms and stormed out the front door heading to his SUV. I glared down at my brothers blaming them for this. I ran to my room and broke down. My twin sister, my best friend in the whole world was just taken away from me and I know she wasn't okay.

Pietro's POV:

I was so angry. I picked Max up snd brought her straight to my car. I placed her gently in the back seat and climbed in on the other side. My driver started driving away. I placed a blanket over Max.

Pietro: "max are you okay, you have me worried. You're very pale sweetheart"

Max: "I'm sorry sir. I think I'm just tired"

Pietro: "call me Pietro. Call me anything but sir. Please Max. David (driver) call the doctor, I want him at the house tonight"

David: "yes sir"

I can tell max ha slots even more weight. She looks sad and depressed. She doesn't look like the fiesta girl I used to know. It's breaking me into pieces seeing her this way.  Hopefully I can help her get back to herself and make her happy. That's my goal. I know she won't believe that at first but I'm making it my mission to make her trust me. I need her to trust me.

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