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Hey guys! hope your having a good weekend (or school week). I just wanted to announce that from March 16 to 25 is something important to the LGBT community. its a project in which you have to draw a heart on our wrist to show your sexuality. I'm going to be drawing a purple heart. The colours are listed down below, to the side or above this (depending on what your reading this from.)

I also wanted to say that me and Maya made a mistake... We put the wrong email address and we can't create another account. You guys have no idea how mad I am about this. It's OK though. When we do stories together, We'll just do them on my or her account. We'll also tell you who it is. (like if it's me writing it, or her.) We will mostly do MC ships, like skydoesminecraft, munching brotato, deadlox, truMU, ect. Pretty much all of team Crafted.

There's one more thing I wanted to say. You guys can skip this part if you don't know about the LGBT community. There's 37 states with same sex marriage. If I end up marring a girl, and Ohio hasn't changed, I'll yell, "SEE YA LATER OHIO, I'M GOING TO ALASKA BECAUSE IT'S LEGAL TO MARRY A GIRL THERE.' I'm serious. Ohio, get with the program. Love is Love.

At least I don't live in Russia where you can get arrested because of holding hands with the same gender. Now, Russia, let's be serious. You can get arrested for LOOKING GAY. Yes, because that is logical. Not. One day, we'll look at how we acted to the LGBT community and feel ashamed. It's like slavery. We're still humans, why should we let who we love and our skin colour matter? It's horrible... I know. All we can do is hope is that either the State Representive will allow it some day or the next US president will allow it. Tell me what you guys think about this topic in the comments.

Sorry if you read my rant. It's insane. I know.

This is all I have to say for now, so have a good morning\ day \ night
every one!!!

(p.s. LGBT means lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender.)

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