Chapter 14

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Y/n pov

Its today

Today's the day

Its finally today

Today is the date

What should i wear? Is this okay? My hair? Makeup? Do i smell? Do i look okay? Am i going to mess up? Im so worried.

I facetimed Millie since i have no idea what to wear.

Calling Millie💞

Y/n: Milliee

Millie: huh? I just woke up

Y/n: i have a date later.

Millie: YOU DO? WHO?

Y/n: Louis


Y/n: Um....

Millie: Its okay at least i know now. Now what are u wearing?

Y/n: I have no idea

Millie: Let me see your closet.

I moved my phone to my closet and let her see

Outfit 1

Outfit 2

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Outfit 2

Outfit 3

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Outfit 3

Outfit 3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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