day 1: August 19th

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--august 18--

you sigh as you plop onto your bed. the comforter is engulfing you loosely. you had just moved into a new house a few days ago. the new school year starts tomorrow. just as your eyes start getting heavy your mom knocks on your door. she peeps in with a letter in hand.

"you have mail sweetie, but i don't know who its from." she waves it around in the air.

"thanks eomoni"

you grumble getting up to get it out of her grasp. you furrow your brows looking at the front. your mom closes the door gently as you flip over the letter. shes most likely going downstairs to unpack the abundance of boxes. you hadnt received mail besides the occasional pizza coupon. most people just text or call. you rip open the envelope and theres multiple pieces of paper inside. you tilt your head as you start reading the first page:

Hi young y/n,

This is the future y/n! Crazy right? Hope you're not too creeped out by this letter so far. I know moving and unpacking was a lot,but bare with me. As I said, I'm from the future. 5 years in case you're wondering. I made a lot of regrets when I was your age. I'm going to guide you on how to avoid them, by reading these letters. I live with these regrets now and i don't want you to. Please read carefully.

The goal is to not lose choi beomgyu.

-August 19

As you know youre a new student joining class 1. A boy name Choi Beomgyu is seated next to you. By the end of the day you think he's too much, so you ask to switch seats. DO NOT ask to move seats.

-August 20

Beomgyu hits you with the door on accident. You had already been having a bad day and you kinda freaked out on him. Just breathe and accept his apology.

you stop reading and shake your head. is this some joke? the handwriting is similar to yours. but theres no wonder if minji or hyunjoon would send this. minji is cold and too serious to pull a joke, and hyunjoon wouldn't put in the effort of sending a letter. the kids too lazy. It could be the neighbor, the kids are annoying but they never really bothered you. Is it even possible to send a letter from the future to the past. You shake your head and toss it onto your desk.

August 19

you head to your class with little time to spare. you stared at the letters too long debating whether to bring them to school. which you did. they Are now crumpled at the bottom of your school bag. you introduce yourself to the teacher and he tells you basic rules.

"your seats next to choi beomgyu," the teacher states. "please raise your hand beomgyu."

your eyes widen as you hear the name you'd been thinking about all night. choi beomgyu. how did whoever sent you the letter know about him and your seats. those letters are a joke. the principals daughter could've snuck around and known. as far as you knew the principal's daughter was a sweet girl and wasn't nosy. it's not like she'd choose you specifically anyways.

you turn towards the class and your eyes scan the room until you see a boy with his arm raised.

"who is she?" beomgyu interrogates.

"since beomgyu has decided to let everyone know of the new student, im going to have her introduce herself." the teacher firmly states. you wobble foreward slightly feeling anxious infront of all the new faces.

"ah hello! Im f/n l/n, nice to meet you all. i recently moved here, please take care of me." you gave a small wave and bowed.

your eyes glance to your seatmate.he has dark hair and a nice eyes. no wonder future me said don't lose him. he is so pretty. you want to slap yourself for thinking about the letter. its just a joke. you send a smile his way and weave your way to your seat. he smiles and waves to you as you sit down. he seems a little shy? how could he annoy you to the point of moving seats. you knew the whole letter was a joke.

 that was until the school day dragged on. the more you started disliking your seat. you don't know if you'll survive the rest of the year in the seat. he seems like a sweet boy,really, but he just talks a lot. on the other side of him is a boy named taehyung which he talks to often. you like sitting far away from the talkative person in class,so you can decide whether you want to pay them attention or not.

the last bell of the day rang and students fled from the class. beomgyu made sure to say bye and send a smile your way. you spent an extra long time packing up so then it was only you and the teacher left.

"do you need something f/n?" the teacher questions as you stood there.

"i was wondering if i could change seats? beomgyu is just a little distracting at times." you awkwardly laugh.

she smiles and chuckles before responding, "i get that, thats the reason the seat next to him was open." which did make you feel slightly guilty.

she looks over her seating chart as you stand thinking. the letter said not to move seats. but i seriously cannot sit there. silence is what i work best in and its no where near that. you're going to move seats. you're not going to let the person who sent you the letters think you fell for their tricks.

"alright you can sit in the seat next to sungwoo. he's a quiet boy and very intelligent if you need help. Its by the back window on the left. Is that alright with you?" she offers.

"ah thats great. thank you so much." you smile and bow.

hopefully the prankster is near here shaking in anger as you didnt listen to their giggle lightly as you leave the classroom.

What a joke.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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