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Be as simple as you can be; you will be astonished to see how uncomplicated and happy your life will become
-Paramhansa Yogananda

Happiness that depends on anything outside of you, be it your spouse, children, money, fame, friends or anything else, cannot last. But to find happiness in Him who is everywhere, who is all pervading - your own Self is real happiness.
-Anandamayi ma

Now, I want to ask you, what do you guys think is the meaning of these messages by the two divine souls?

Being "simple" doesn't mean that you are supposed to be leading a minimalistic lifestyle. It doesn't exactly talk about material riches, here. But it in fact talks about mental complexities. The more negative emotions (fear, jealousy, anger, sadness, judgement etc.) arise in your minds the more you begin to create complexities in your life. And the more you portray optimism, kindness and most importantly love, your life would become so beautiful and easy. And as I said in the earlier chapter, I am talking from experience.

In the beginning of the lockdown (March 2020) I had certain anger issues. Like I would get angry at the tiniest things. Some people used to call me one of the scariest people they have ever met XD. At that time I used to think that being intimidating is a form of compliment, like I'm some sort of "badass". A few months later, I have no idea what happened but I got a lot into meditation, chanting the name of the gods. And a few months of that transformed me. My aim is to tell you guys that meditation is no joke. It is a life changing tool that will grow your mind and give you peace as time goes by. Now I am kind to everyone, at least I try my absolute best. I will tell you that I love my changed personality much more than the "badass" me who was perhaps only a very rude person. And showing fake kindness won't do. There is no point in showing kindness and love if it doesn't come from your heart.

Try to see Him in every particle of the being, because He is there. I know a number of you don't believe in the concept of God, and I respect that, faith cannot be forced on anyone. But, as someone who aspires to become a scientist, I believe in experimenting with things and then deciding to accept it or not. There is nothing that is rejected by science and there is nothing constant in science. There are just theories and their experimentation.
You would feel true love when you try to feel it in Him. The blissful intoxication of chanting His name. Whichever god you believe in, the result would be the same. I am Hindu by birth, but I pray to all the gods, I chant the name of Krishna, I have Jesus in my alter. I also love sufism, it surges calmness in me. (I apologise if your religion isn't mentioned here, this is merely an example) The aim of me telling you all this is not to say "Oh I'm so secular, I'm amazing" and other self-serving motives. It merely means that all the paths lead to the same outcome: true bliss.

People today have absolutely contaminated religion. Made it more and more unreal with ulterior motive of creating discrimination when the core of every religion is to realise your Self. You are not just some tiny human, you are the perfect image of god created directly by him. So my dears I urge you to try to remember your perfection. Perfection doesn't lie in outer beauty, or material riches. The eternal soul is perfect. Your physical body is made of two things, soul and ego. Ego consciousness is when you feel worldly emotions like sadness, anger, ego, fear, jealousy, lust etc. Soul Consciousness is when you rise from that material consciousness and feel what you truly are. That is when you feel real love, real acceptance, real happiness.

Now how would you "rise from that material consciousness"? The answer to every single issue is just faith and meditation. And again, there would be many of you who would debunk this, but just like any smart scientist would do, experiment upon it. I wouldn't spend hours reading and writing about it if it wasn't fruitful.

I promise that it'll be fruitful for you too. Just try.

No one will be able to give you the happiness and satisfaction that You will give yourself. Why do you think that the Himalayan yogis spend hours or even days in meditation? They want to maintain the peace, and stay intoxicated in the bliss that is being provided to them by this powerful tool.

So once again I urge you all to try this simple yet vital art of meditation. I hope you guys can read the urgency in this line, my initiative at providing true happiness would be futile if you guys just don't experiment with this. Give yourself... say one week of chanting, meditation, being kind and loving towards others, just try for one week, with total sincerity and then tell me your results. Do you feel calmer and happier than the previous week? I know you will if it is practiced with all your heart and sincerity.
Remember that you have nothing to lose when you practice this, but perhaps gain a ton of things:)

Stay happy and blessed always

P.s. I'll be adding some meditation tips, and some links for some really calming guided meditations in the next chapter!!

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