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Wednesday, July 28th
Harlem Ny
*excuse mistakes*
*short chapter*

It was currently 10 in the morning and I had to be up and ready by one so that Dave, the girls and I can go out. Over these past 3 weeks things have been good. I've got to know his oldest daughter better and Kobi is getting familiar with me. In the beginning Dave's babymomma didn't want me around her because she's a baby which I understood. I guess she liked how I interacted with Kairi or sum. Anyways I got up out of my bed and made my bed up and headed to the kitchen to make me a breakfast. I put a pot of water on the stove to boil and took out 2 eggs an a bagel. Once my water started to boil I added the two eggs and put my bagel in the toaster. After everything was done I poured me some orange juice and yes orange juice because apple juice is nasty but ya not ready for that discussion tho. After I finished I cleaned my mess up and headed to the bathroom to do my daily hygiene routine.

I had just finished making breakfast which was home style fries, bacon, fried eggs and pancakes. "Babe" I called out for Jay who shortly entered the kitchen shirtless with basketball shorts on. "I'm going out to walk the dogs I'll be back" I told him. "Eat first then take the dogs out" he said walking over to me. He embraced me then gave me 3 tap kisses before it turned into a make out session. I pulled back "I'll eat when I get back" I said. "Ight" he said then went to go eat his food. "Come here" I said to my two little dogs. Once they came to me I put them both on their own leashes and made my way out the door.

By time Ky came back home I was showered and dressed for the day. "I already put food and water in their bowls so don't trip" I said walking over to her. "Mm thanks where you off to" she questioned me wrapping her arms around my neck. "To the studio"  I replied " oh okay, you going to be there all day or what" she asked. "Don't start Kyla" I said pulling a part from to look down at her. "I'm not starting anything I was going to bring you food but okay" she said shrugging her shoulders. "I'll be home no later than 8"  I said before kissing her then leaving.

Dave ♿️
The girl's and I where now headed to Rin crib to pick her up so we can go out and have fun. I talked to Millie bout it and she surprisingly agreed with me. "Want to get Ice cream my little princesses" Kairi said yes and Kobi made a sound I swear she be understanding everything that got to do with food. "You can't have ice cream your baby" Kairi said to Kobi and I smiled looking thru the rear view mirror. Once I pulled up to Rin's crib I called her to let her know I was outside. Shortly after I seen her walking towards the car I got out and opened the door for her. "Hi baby" I greeted her an kissed her cheek "Hi" she said before I closed her door. "Hello cutie pie" Karin said to Kairi "Hi Rinny" Kairi sweet voice responded. Karin always greeted Kobi by calling koko and tickling her feet. Once she was sitting in her seat I pulled off. The radio played peacefully throughout the car while I drove .

We were currently walking thru the  park eating our ice cream. Once we finished our ice cream Kairi and I went over to the swings. I pushed her for a little while giving her a boost. "Okay now kick your feet front and back" I said. Once she got the hang of  it I got on the swing beside her and we talked about all the things she likes to do for fun. After she was done with the swing she went over to get on the slide. "Can I have koko" I asked Dave and he handed her to me I played with her while Dave played with Kairi. I went back over to the swings and got on it with Kobi. After being at the park for an hour we decided to go get something to eat. After riding around for a lil while we had arrived at Dave and Busters. After playing arcade games for a while we decided to sit down and eat. Once we finished eating we went back to Dave's house. I grabbed Kairi while he got Kobi once the girl's were bathed and dressed we watched frozen until the girl's fell asleep including me.

So sorry for the wait I'm so busy nowadays 😩.
Short chapter but I had to hurry and give ya something
If you stayed with me thru the hold comment , because u a real one 😂❤️

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4 chapters left 😩

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