Chapter 13

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Hattie’s POV

I rolled over in bed, well I tried to. I was stuck because I couldn’t roll either way. The cubs stopped me one way and a snoring Marty stopped me the other way. I relaxed deciding to enjoy the feel of his arms around me but quickly changed my mind. I really had to pee. I tried to get up but it was no use. Marty kept pulling me close again every time I made any head way. I flopped down and elbowed him in the ribs trying to wake him up. He didn’t even flinch so I did it as hard as I could right to his stomach. “Oompf.” He let go of me and I ran to the bathroom.

When I came out he was scowling at me. “A simple ‘move Marty’ would have sufficed.” I smiled sheepishly as I made my way back to the bed.

“Sorry would you like me to make it up to you?” I started crawling up the bed. I was about to kiss him when I got a whiff of his breathe. “Whoa morning breathe. I will kiss you after you brush your teeth.”

He scrunched his eyebrows together. “Is it really that bad?” He cupped his hand over his mouth to test his breathe. His eyes popped wide and he coughed. “Yup it is.”

“It smells like something died in your mouth.” I was looking at his mouth in disgust. How can a mouth that can kiss me like his also make me want to barf? I just don’t get it.

“I will be right back.” He ran into the bathroom to hopefully brush his teeth. I got comfy on the bed under the covers. His bed is so comfortable. I really don’t think I want to go back to my bed.

He came out flashing his pearly whites with a big smile and launched himself onto the bed making me bounce in the air. Right in front of my face he said, “How’s this?” Instead of answering I kissed him pulling him down with me. He was careful of my stomach but still managed to make my toes curl into the sheets.

When he finally lifted his head I smiled. “Much better.” We both laughed. He rolled us so we were on our sides facing eachother.

“So what do you want to do today with your day off?” Marty asked me.

“Stay in bed and watch TV. Of course with a handsome servant bringing me snacks here and there.” I smirked.

“I think I could handle a nice relaxing day.” Then my phone went off just as I was going to snuggle in again and go back to sleep.

“Will you hand me my phone please?” I asked. He shook his head. “What? Come on.” He shook his head again. “Fine I am going to squish you then.” I got up and straddled his chest so I could grab my phone. He let out an oomph but I stayed right where I was while I answered the phone.

“Hey Sally.” I said watching Marty’s face get a little red.

“So seeing as your shower is only a few weeks away we need to get you registered for gifts at a few stores. Can you go out today for that? I talked to Patsy and she has today off so she could go with you.” I looked down at Marty and his face was getting redder. I smirked and then got mean. I bounced on his chest a few times getting an oomph each time.

“Sure Sally I will give her a call and get that done today. Oh I was hoping to stop and see you today are you and Frank both going to be at the bakery this afternoon?” I think I will tell them about me and Marty before I tell anyone else, other than Patsy who I am sure will zero in on the ring as soon as she sees me.

“Yes we will. Will you be stopping by?” She asked.

“Yes I will. I have even more news for you that needs to be told in person and don’t worry it is good news.” I smiled down at Marty who looked a little too red in the face so I got off of him. He took a few deep breaths so I swatted him. I knew I wasn’t too heavy for him but he certainly played along like I was.

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