The Cyberse scan

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The Avengers have logged out of Link VRAINS and have re emerged In Marshall's office in Tony Stark's Royal Woods home.

The Avengers have logged out of Link VRAINS and have re emerged In Marshall's office in Tony Stark's Royal Woods home

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Marshall heads to the suit gantry to get the armour off him. Meanwhile Luan and Lisa head to Marshall's lab to analyze the pieces of Diva's shattered cube. Lori is on the phone to Bobby (again) and Lincoln is polishing his shield. The over Avengers (except Lana, Lola and Lily) are in the med bay. Everyone is their everyday attire (apart from Marshall who's in the suit). 

Lisa is doing medical checks on Luan, Lola and Lana are reshuffling their decks and discussing strategies.

Luan:  Lisa, I'm fine! Honestly!

Lisa: I'll be the judge of that, why do the weird villains always find you?   

Luan: Dunno. But I think I'm like a magnet. I mean, you guys are PULLED close to me! Hahahahaha! Get it?

Lisa: Unbelievable. What would mom and dad say? 

Luan: I don't know. They're gone. They vanished before Marshall showed up remember?   

Marshall walks in wearing the following outfit 

Marshall walks in wearing the following outfit 

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Marshall: Oh, she's flatlining. Call it. Time?

Luan: No, no, no. I'm going to live.  Why so worried Marsh?

Marshall: Just checking. Alright. Look alive, J.A.R.V.I.S. It's play time. We've only got a couple days with this box so let's make the most of it.  You know I want it all. Update me on the structural and compositional analysis.

J.A.R.V.I.S: The cube is alien. There are elements I can't quantify.

Marshall: So? There's gotta be elements you can analyze.

J.A.R.V.I.S: Sir, Seto Kaiba's on line 9.

Marshall: tell him I'm gonna have to call him back. After today, I don't think Kaiba's is going  to the worst of my problems. 

J.A.R.V.I.S: Very good sir.

Marshall heads over to the tube entrance in the corner of the lab, At that time Lily waddles in with another full diaper.

Marshall: Ugh! Lola, your turn to change her!  

Lola: (disgusted) Why can't you change her?!

Marshall: Gotta grab something. I won't be long.

Lola: Wait wait wait! Where are you-

Marshall: UP THE TUBE!

Marshall disappears leaving Lola, Lana, Luan, Lisa and Lily (still with a full diaper) in the lab.

Lisa: Well you heard him, get Lily changed. 

Lola: (grumbling) Why me?


Marshall reappears in the living room. Lori's still on the phone to Bobby.

Lori: No, I didn't text you to call me, but I'm glad you did!(to Marshall) Whats up?

Marshall: Heading to the Stark Industries Adventure Bay branch. If Lily starts crying....

Lori: I know the drill. Ok, be careful Marshall.

Marshall: Thanks Lori. And keep Lisa from tinkering with my suit!

Marshall just shuts the front door when Diva appears.

Marshall: Well, what do you want?!

Diva: I want to duel.

Marshall: Really? I didn't know the Plana dueled.

Diva: The Plana don't, but I do. But don't you worry about getting your duel disk. In the duel we're about to do you won't need to!

Marshall: o-k. Might need a minute to change.

The millennium puzzle glows red, blue and yellow. Unlike Yugi who changes into Yami Yugi, the puzzle allows Marshall to use the power of the Crimson dragon and the 3 egyptian gods. 

Marshall: I just have one thing to say to you Diva, it's time to DUEL! 

Diva: very well. I'll start. And I choose to play Malefic world!  

The house and front yard turn dark purple

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The house and front yard turn dark purple. At that time Lily waddles out of the house (diaper still full) Lana right behind her.

Lily: Poo-poo.

Marshall: (surprised) Lily! Where did you come from? I thought Lola was changing you! 

Lily: Poo-poo.

Lana (grabs Lily) Sorry Marsh. It was too strong for her. She passed out! 

Marshall: Yikes! What did you have for lunch? Don't answer right now! I've got a duel to win.

Diva: Indeed you do. Now by sending Odd-eyes Pendulum Dragon from my hand to the graveyard, I can summon Malefic Odd Eyes!

 Now by sending Odd-eyes Pendulum Dragon from my hand to the graveyard, I can summon Malefic Odd Eyes!

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Lana: How dare you! You leave my sister's card out of this! What's going on Marsh?

Marshall: Don't ask me. I've never seen these cards before!

Diva: I hope you're ready, wielder of the  millennium puzzle. The game's just beginning!

Lily: Poo-poo?

Marshall: Don't worry Lils. I won't lose!

Meanwhile in the lab, Lisa scans the shattered fragments of Diva's cube. She finds some code that looks an ignis algorithm.  

Lisa: Impossible!

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