Chapter 8 {Consequence}

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There is a thin line that separates laughter and pain, comedy and tragedy, humor and hurt.
-Erma Bombeck


Trigger warning: violence and gore


I am stuck, Jared! It's been 12 days. I'm gonna be stuck like this forever!

Quit being such a drama queen, Paul, Jared countered. Some of us are just better at this werewolf thing than others. You'll get there, he said with an air of arrogance.

The anger tickled his belly once more. How am I supposed to phase back if you won't stop PISSING ME OFF?

They had explained to Paul what to do - like ten damn times - but he'd been unable to rid himself of the unrelenting rage no matter how hard he tried. It was smaller, but not small enough to allow him to take on his human form. This, of course, only made him angrier each time he tried until eventually he gave up, resigning himself to start again later.

Jared was running the perimeter of what they said was the "treaty line" that Ephraim Black and Dr. Carlisle Cullen had agreed upon a hundred years ago. Paul followed behind him in an effort to memorize it, paws pounding against the damp earth beneath him as he struggled to keep up - he was still trying to get used to this new body. Sam, in what once again seemed like a fruitless attempt, was off in his human form trying to woo the girl he was bound to... His imprint.

The whole idea was weird; not quite as weird as turning into a massive wolf, but it made the whole thing even more bizarre. The projectile thoughts that ran through Sam's mind when he thought of Emily Young were suffocating. He had no choice but to love her, his entire universe seemed to revolve with her at its center. When Sam ran patrol, his only thought was of her safety. When he was trying to help Paul phase back, he remembered her smile as a way to help Paul calm down. In fact, anytime he wasn't with her he was thinking about her - what's she doing? Where is she? Is she safe? I wonder if she's hungry? - in an endless stream of sickeningly sweet obsessiveness.

The imprint bit is kinda freaky, Jared acknowledged in accordance with Paul's thoughts. But apparently it's pretty rare. At least that's what Old Quil and Billy told Sam. I know one thing is for sure though - I don't wanna do that.

Me either, Paul agreed.

You should've met Sam before. He was so cool. We had so much fun. We used to dick around all the time. But now, all he thinks about is Emily this and Emily that.

Yeah, it's getting on my last nerve.

It's like he lost himself to her and he doesn't even know her. I mean, can you imagine? You look into a girl's eyes one time and suddenly she's your's?

Well, not really, Paul countered. She has to choose you, too.

Jared silently agreed. Sam had been trying for weeks to get Emily to choose him, but his daily visits seemed to only be making it worse. Sam had been dating her cousin when they met and Leah was heartbroken over Sam leaving her, which only caused Emily to be more against any kind of relationship with Sam. He was taking it hard, but he wasn't giving up - the way he thought about it, he couldn't even if he wanted to.

She'll come around, Jared said hopefully as he leaped over the wide river with Paul close behind.

Paul couldn't agree less. If someone suddenly turned up on his doorstep claiming that they were his soulmate and they knew because they were a werewolf, he would probably call the cops on their crazy ass.

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