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Author's Pov

"You are my only cure Sin..

I just need only you to heal and feel closer to me in every possible way.. "

Heaven whispered into his mouth while kissing him a little deeply and pulled him closer to her pressing his entire physic on her front as tightly as possible..

She clutched his hairs a little roughly and her mouth turned slightly aggressive on his..

"I need you.. Only you Sin... " She breathed out tangling her fingers more in his hairs but he stopped her and slightly pulled back from her and looked into her eyes which were filled with desire for him..

He sighed and palmed her cheeks

"I need you too my Doll more than anything and anyone but first you need to heal completely because I don't want to hurt you in any way again... " He spoke making her heart to fluttered because she knew he was in need for her too because she could feel his body's desires for her but he was stopping himself for her which made her fell for him even more if possible..

He gave her a soft smile and than tugged her hair strands behind her ear  and spoke.

"Ok now come on it's already midnight, you need to rest.. "

He stated and tried to turn around but she stopped him by wrapping her arms around his waist firmly making him to turned around and looked at her a little untidily..

"What happen..? " He asked a little confused to which she smiled making him more confused..

Heaven opened her arms wide like a kid and spoke

"Pick me up ... "

He raised his one brow at her playfully and stated

"But you're too heavy... "

Heaven's eyes widened at his remark, she frowned and pushed him slightly..

"How dare you...? You really are very rude... I won't talk to you. " She spat showing him her cute angry eyes and turned around and crossed her arms and than made an annoyed pout..

He smiled watching her cute pout and than slowly patted her shoulder but she immediately shrugged it

"Excuse me... " He said and her heart tingled knowing why he actually said that or in precise they both knew it that they were recreating their beautiful past.

But Heaven stopped herself from smiling and continued to frown and uttered

"Don't talk to me.. I don't talk to rude ass jerks. "

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