Chapter 5

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The next morning, when Julian and Kai sat at their breakfast table, Julian couldn't keep his eyes from his phone, smiling from time to time

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The next morning, when Julian and Kai sat at their breakfast table, Julian couldn't keep his eyes from his phone, smiling from time to time.

"What's got you so smiley today, Jule?" Kai finally asked his friend.

"Hm? Oh nothing, nothing." Julian tried to keep his smile inside, without succeeding.

"Ok, well are you done? I'm gonna bring the food inside."

"Yeah, sure. Go do that." As Julian seemed distracted enough, Kai quietly sneaked behind him, reading the messages popping up on the phone.

Laetitia 😊Yeah, her class is done in 15 min                                                    Julian ✌️                                                                   Ok                                   So where are we meeting?

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Laetitia 😊
Yeah, her class is done
in 15 min
                                          Julian ✌️
                        So where are we meeting?

Laetitia 😊
Maybe we can get you
and we're gonna drive

                              Ok see you in 15 min then :)


"What do you mean with 'See you in 15 min'?"

Julian winced, hearing his best friends voice so near to him, while he was assuming Kai was in the kitchen.

"Uh well, we're meeting for a coffee. In 15 minutes." Julian said nervous.

"What? We are not even dressed Julian!"

"Well, then get going."


The girls pulled up, 15 minutes later, in a cute cabriolet. The boys got in, and after saying their hello's, Amelia drove off, to god knows where.

They stopped in front of a cute café, got out and sat on a table.

"So, Amelia, you guys said something about you being a student."

"Yeah, I'm studying architecture, right now."

"Oh wow, cool. How old are you guys, if I can ask?"

"You sure can, I'm 23 and Amelia turned 20 this year." Leti said, as a waiter came, getting their orders.
"And you guys? How old are you? What do you do? Are you serial killers?" She looked at Amelia, as she asked the last question.

"Well, I turned 22 start of june, and Julian is 24. We're footballers and not serial killers." Kai laughed lightly.

"You guys are footballers? Did you know that? Wow, for what club, and by the way, were are you guys from? Your accent is funny."
Amelia nodded along.

"Kai plays for an english club,Chealsea since last year and I play for a german club called Borussia Dortmund, also since last year. Before that we played together in a club."

"So you guys are german? I always wanted to go to Germany, they say the architecture is beautiful there." Amelia dreamed.

They continued talking as their coffees came, and around 12 am they decided to go to the city, so the girls could show them some cool things.


"This will sadly be our last stop, it's 5 pm already. But I hope you're wearing your bathing clothes because this is something you gotta try." Amelia said, as they walked trough hills of stones.

Until the stones stopped, and they saw the beautiful sea, surrounded by high walls of stones, and a little opening, going in the full sea.

The boys thought they had never seen such beauty in a place.

"It's not really popular, so there are almost never any people or tourists here. It's kinda like a hidden spot." Amelia explained.

"Yeah, me and Lia found it, three years ago, when we were walking on the beach."

The boys looked around, before turning around and seeing the girls getting undressed.

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