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As I entered the small hospital the breath left my body. Obviously, I knew that Rhett was going to be lying there just as he had been for the previous five days, but seeing it again after I'd had some time away was just as hard as when he first lost consciousness. Tears began rolling down my face.

I felt like a traitor.

There I was pining over how hard my life was while Rhett's whole life was on pause. His body was sick, he could even be in pain for all we knew. If he never woke up he'd never experience getting another year older, or finding his other half, having kids, and growing old. I never thought I could be that selfish. Maybe Drue was right. Nature had put Kohl and I together for a reason. Maybe it was all the negative traits we shared.

"Hey, hey, princess. It's okay. He's doing better today. Dr. Carson says we can wake him soon." My father said after he noticed I was standing there crying.

My heart fluttered with hope.


We can wake him soon.

I nodded, repeating it over and over to remind myself that he was okay and he would be back to his old self soon. One glance at his monitors and all of his vitals were stronger. His coloring was better, and he no longer looked like he was on his deathbed. I let out a long sigh of relief.

"When can we wake him?"

Dr. Carson, who was standing by Rhett's bed making notes in his chart, looked at me and smiled.

"If everything continues this way, tomorrow."

"Oh, thank God!" Grace exclaimed.

She grabbed my hand and we both beamed at each other. It was nice to know she would be okay, that we both would, because he was.

"Did you guys have breakfast? It's being served in the dining hall. I'm sorry, I forgot to bring you a serving."

My mother smiled knowingly. "Yes, we all ate already."

"Alpha Sutton always has my meals delivered when I have patients. Something was sent over for your family as well." Dr. Carson informed me.

When even Kohl remembers to be hospitable you know you're doing bad.

"You're a godsend. Thank you so much for taking care of my son." Grace thanked Dr. Carson with teary eyes.

"No problem. I chose this job because if it were my family I would want someone to do the same for them."

She really is a very nice lady. Too bad about her employer though.

We sat around making small talk-though I rarely added anything-for the next few hours. After lunchtime Anya came to get me.

"Hey, everyone!" She bounded into the room, high on life.

"Hello!" My mother and Grace said at the same time.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked her.

"Oh, nothing. I just came to check on the Abercrombie & Fitch model here." She joked, peeking over at Rhett's bed and then his monitors.

I rolled my eyes at her attempt to flirt with my comatose best friend. But Anya was harmless and was more than likely doing it to make us all laugh and brighten up the room a bit. And of course we did, because who could resist her charm?

"How's he doing, Doc?"

"It's looking like tomorrow."

"Really?" She asked, squealing excitedly.

Basically, I Hate YouWhere stories live. Discover now