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The hot shower was relaxing and much needed. I had just gotten my black lace bikini briefs and matching bra on when a strange sound alerted me that someone had come into Adrian's room. Muffled sounds as if someone was attempting stealth but was really, really, bad at it. 

The clicking of ridiculous heels. The sound of liquid in a container being tipped. A malicious feminine chuckle. Nope. I shake my head. Whoever it was must not have functioning ears. Like a child giggling in the closet while playing hide and seek, whoever this is could not be more obvious.

I will play along for now.

I turn on the sink pretending not to have heard as I quietly search the drawers for something, anything to defend myself with. Coming up short I instead slip on boots, not caring if I don’t end up with pants on, and Adrian's large shirt that hangs just past mid thigh. I can do this, it is only one person. But first I got to get her outside.

I shut the sink off and open the door to a room much like I had left it. The bed still rumpled, my shorts still on the floor. I bend to grab them catching movement out of my peripheral vision. Blonde hair.

Penni. The woman from the texts that night. I shudder at the memory.

As I stand her slender arm tries to snake around me, a moist cloth in her hand. The scent of b.o., vanilla, and booze surrounds me almost covering the bitter scent of the liquid. What she wants to happen is for the cloth to find it's way to my face so I breath the chloroform in and eventually loose consciousness. I don't exactly know why but at this point what does it matter. She isn’t getting her way, not here, not with me.

I grab her wrist and twist it away from me while using her improper balance against her. My shoulder hits her ribs as I duck below her center and shove hard.  Penni stumbles, having a hard time regaining her footing in her six inch stiletto heels. The rag drops from her hand but I don’t let go of that wrist as it cracks. This is the last time this shit will be happening.

I drag her to the door but her struggles make it difficult so I switch my grip from her damaged wrist to her tussled hair, making sure my grip is firm before opening the door. She spits and kicks, screaming at me but I can only hear the blood in my own veins. I have never been so angry before.

Nothing registers for a moment, my mind just screaming at me to hurt this woman. She wants to hurt me, she wants me gone. My vision is narrowed, nothing in my sight but this shrieking bitch who almost reminds me of my sister in the way her eyes carry disdain.

I don't know how I get her into the bar but I do, her nose is broken now from me hitting her face into a doorframe. Blood dots the floor behind us but I don't care. Penni reaches up and manages to grip my shirt for a moment before pulling me to the hard concrete floor. I release her scalp and instead elbow her hard in the chest as the black cotton rips, leaving me partly exposed but not caring the slightest.

Her clawed hands scratch, drawing blood but it doesn't even hurt right now. We are rolling about swatting at each other, though mine weren't slaps like hers were. I was swinging for damage. Unable to hit her face I punch her in the tit, fake or not it will hurt. She struggles and kicks landing a few good knees, making her feel cocky.

"Those three said you were a fighter. I should have listened. Said you never wanted to give up when they had their fun, fought the whole time. Even through the drugs." Penni chuckles and I no longer care that she is a human being. No this bitch has got to go. "Too bad their brother can't join but prison, what can you do?"

My hand latches onto her neck as I go to straddle her, hitting her head on the ground until her eyes cross. There is blood on the ground but I want more to spill. I know what she is hinting at and it is her biggest mistake so far. As her head spins I grab her wrist again, giving a sharp tug as I stand to the already injured limb. Penni screams.

At this point the sound is almost soothing, cathartic. I start for the doors, still pulling her along as I do. Big chunks of her hair have been left behind us along with scraps of cloth from us both.

I wasn't done with this, not after her little threat. I am not some drugged girl at a college party, not this time. I will not be lured in by kindness nor will I submit to my own weakness. I may fear these men but I will never allow them to touch me again. 

Once in the parking lot I let go of her now swollen wrist,  kicking her as she slumps over, and wait for her to move. The screaming has stopped instead turning to curses and whimpers of pain. I hear the doors open and footsteps coming out but I don't pay them any heed. I don't mind an audience.

Penni stands on wobbly legs, certainly cursing her footwear. Her lip is bloodied, brow swollen, nose gushing and crooked. Not at all the fairly attractive woman she had been only fifteen minutes before when she snuck into the clubhouse. 

She looks around desperate to find herself a savior but I am on her again. Swinging at her gut, she doubles over with a howl. The woman must be part banshee, I swear. Her blonde hair is a mop of blood but it doesn't stop me from taking her to the ground again.

"What kind of woman are you?" I spit out as I punch her again and again, my knuckles coated with blood, both hers and my own. "What kind of woman threatens another with rape? With their rapists?"

I hear an angry roar behind me as I hit her once more. Penni's eyes roll back in her head moments before I am wrapped in muscular arms and lifted away from the now barely conscious woman. I feel numb for a moment before tears well up in my eyes.

"I got you baby." Adrian coos in my neck as he presses my body to him, one arm behind my back the other under my legs. "You are safe with me."

A whimper passes my lips before I bury my face in his chest. Now that the adrenaline is wearing off my body is shaking and I feel emotionally spent. My remaining energy I spend on holding onto Adrian, no one else here but him. Not those men.

"Go get her some rest. Want me to send Doc up?" Grim asks from somewhere. His voice is clipped and I worry I may have overstepped.

"Yeah man. I will be back down once I get her settled." Adrian's chest vibrates with every syllable, comforting if it weren'tfor the words. 

"Abyss will take care of Penni for now. I got some fucking questions and I think she has answers." Grim grits out. "Give us an hour, stay with your old lady."

Another grunt I can only guess comes from Abyss. Other men move around us but Adrian keeps me firmly held to him. Tears stream down my cheeks but he keeps me tucked in close, hidden from prying eyes.

"Let's get you to bed baby." His voice is soft and his stride wide as he carries me back to his room finding the door wide open.

When he sets me on the bed I can see those amber eyes of his fill with determination.  He crouches down before me and forces a smile. He has to leave me, I can see it. I can also see that at this moment he doesn't want to.

He doesn't say a word as he cleans my knuckles up, blotting them dry. They sting but I can't even think about it. Penni's threat burning in my mind.

"Hex, baby.." He starts as he cups my cheek in his warm palm. My eyes lock on those amber pools.

My fingertips stop his soft lips, halting his words. "You are coming back to me right?"

He nods as his eyes shimmer with warmth and for a while we just stare into one another as if seeking comfort, affirmation. Those eyes like warm honey, darkened with lust but also filled with so much love that I worry he might just run again. He is scared of this, I know it better than anyone but he still pushes forward. He is a man worth spending my life with.

The sounds from outside finally bringing us back to the present.

"Then do what you need to do. I will be right here waiting." I smile as I stroke his jaw, his cheek. "I love you. Do try to stay safe."

He leans into me, bringing our lips together in a soft, gentle caress he hums his agreement. Our lips part just so he can whisper reassurances. "Always. Hex. Always."

Charming Hex :hellfireWhere stories live. Discover now