6 - Me and Haiely Lena!?

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(Alex POV)

"Daniels really did a number on me this time" I muttered to no one in particular as I limped my way from the cafeteria to my last class of the day, literature. I pass Hailey and her pose in the hallway, no Asher thank god! I release a breath I didn't even know I was holding and entered the classroom and choosing a seat at the back of the class hoping to sleep some of the pain from my previous beating away.

However a little voice in my head was saying there's no way I could sleep through out a class I'd miss the lesson and fall behind! And that's the last thing a nerd like me wants. But as my head hit that desk there was no turning back and I was falling into and out of consciousness repeatedly.

But as per usual luck wasn't on my side and I was startled awake by the loud creaking sound as a chair was being pulled across the floor, very roughly I might add! What frightened me even more was that the person sitting next to me was Hailey Lena!!

Hailey frikin Lena!! Wha- whe-
howww did this happen!? I shut my eyes for 2 seconds and this happens! I should do that more often maybe I'll open my eyes to see Daniel Radcliffe... Did I mention I'm a hugeeeee HP fan? Well yeah I am!! Harry is so-

"like what you see?" Wait huh what the hell. I shook my head to clear my thoughts to see a clearly amused Hailey smirking at me. Was I staring at her all this time?? Ugh I'm such a creep I swear. I can bet my cheeks are as red as a tomato right now. I quickly try to explain myself but come out a stuttering mess. She must think I'm a creep now!!

"well spit it out twerp!" She demanded obviously annoyed

say something you creep...anything!!

"I wasn't staring miss Lena"
I made sure to call her miss as that is how everybody who isn't in her social group addresses her, greet her by her first name, meet your grave its that simple.

"what were you doing then?" She asked obviously trying to back me in a corner.

"Anything you'd like to share with the class you two?" Mr smith asked looking at the both of us, not happy that his class was being disrupted.

I broke his gaze and hung my head low, this was the first time I've ever been scolded by a teacher before I'm always on my best behavior. Well its not everyday Hailey Lena sits beside me!! I remain silent and absentmindedly start playing with my fingers.

"yeah you got a nice ass smexy"
I heard from beside me. The whole class erupted in laughter's as Mr Smith flushed red from Hailey's blunt words. I stare wide eyed at her, did she really say that to a teacher!??

"Okay class settle down settle down, thank you miss Lena, I guess" he answered still red and she gave him a quick nod in response.

Wow she really is something huh.

"So for this term you'll be partnered up for a group assignment, your partner is the person sitting beside you, you two will be doing all assignments that is given in literature class for this term together"

Whhaaatttt!!??? Me and Hailey Lena? She and Daniels would beat me to a pulp before I could even get started! A few lucky pupils who were seated with their friends squealed happily, while most of the class let out groans of protests, obviously very upset with the arrangements, especially Hailey cause next thing you know she was shouting at Mr smith.

" Sir no way! Absolutely not
I am not grouping with this twerp for the entire term, hell I cant even stand him for the class alone!"

Ouch.... I know she like... hates us but like....Ouch.

"whats done is done miss Lena" Mr Smith replied dryly.

The loud ringing of the bell signalled the end of school and an angry Hailey Lena stormed out of the classroom pushing on anyone in her way. Well somebody's upset.

"How will we even work together"I say out loud to myself while slowly gathering my stuff.

"Don't worry son, miss Lena will come around she really need the grades in this class" Mr smith said giving me a tight lipped smile and walking back to the front of the class toward his desk.
I make my way to my locker, gather my books and begin the walk home. Today was........eventful.

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