The Draft

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"James, please don't go." I pleaded with him while he packed his stuff.
"Doll, I have to go. It's my duty to go. You know that." He looks up for a moment and our eyes lock. "You know what will happen if you leave, and I'm not prepared for it, James." He sighs and somehow I'm already starting to feel lonely.

"Come here." He whispers softly and I obey walking towards him as he opens his arms. I rest my head on his chest softly pleading with him again, "Please, just stay with me."
He pulls me a little closer as I wrap my arms around him. "I'll write to you everyday, and I'll make it home to you safely. Okay?" I nod a little still not wanting him to leave.

"When I get home we can do all of the things we've ever dreamed about doing." He looks down to give me a little smile, I look back frowning a bit but still nodding again. He gives me a small kiss before continuing to pack.
"We can start a life together, and have a kid or two while we're at it." He chuckles a little. "I know this is hard for you Doll, but it's just a temporary bump in the road for our story."

"But you never got a choice." I whisper. I take his hand sitting on the bed. "You didn't choose this Bucky. We didn't have a chance to talk about this, because of the draft."
He pulls a piece of hair behind my ear to kiss me. "I know Bella. But I'll write everyday, I swear."
I nod with a small smile. "We're gonna be late for dinner, James." He smiles running his hand up my leg. "James!" I laugh laying down on the bed. He kisses me one last time on the lips before letting me up again.

"God, I'm going to miss that every morning." I smile biting my bottom lip a bit. "Do it again.." He immediately obeys kissing me again, pulling me closer to him. I smile against his lips pulling his hat off and putting it on myself laughing a bit.
He pulls away looking back at me, I look back at him and I can immediately see the sadness in his eyes and I frown. "It's only temporary James." I say fixing his military shirt. "Now let's eat then go dancing."


Unlike most nights, I hold James a little tighter as we dance to our favourite song. Knowing that tonight just might be the last time we ever dance together.
"I love you, James.." I whisper.
"I love you too, Doll" He whispers back.


I wake up beside James, rolling over to hug him close one more time in our bed before he has to get up and leave. He groans pulling me closer. "I wish I didn't have to go." He mumbles.
"I wish you didn't have to leave either." I look up at him, smiling only slightly.

"We have to get up, you have to leave soon." He nods pulling the covers away from us, we both get up. I hold my breath for just a moment. "You'll write everyday? You promise?" I ask as we get dressed.
He nods pulling his belt around his waist. "I would never forget to write to my Doll."
I smile fixing my hair.

"Come on we're going to be late." I whisper
We hook elbows and walk out of the house. "I'm going to miss you, James."
"I'm going to miss you too, Bella."

We meet up with Steve on the way. I grab them into a group hug, "My two army boys!" I laugh a bit.
Steve laughs then pulls away, reminding me he didn't get to go this time.
"I'm sorry, Steve." I bite my tongue on things I actually wanted to say about the situation. I look up at James who is still holding onto me. "It's only temporary, James." I smile as he looks down.

He smiles back. "Only temporary."

It becomes time to send James off, I hold him closer getting one last, long kiss on the lips then fix his tie before sending him off.
He starts to walk towards his ride.
"Don't forget about me, James!" I shout to him.
He turns back to me walking backwards. "I would never, Doll!" He shouts back.
I smile with tears in my eyes.

I watch him leave then walking home with Steve looking behind my shoulder waiting to see him run back and stay home with me.
"He's going to be okay, right?" I look to Steve.
"Of course he is, Bella."

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