Ch. 2

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"Let's play truth or dare." Mina said and everyone agreed, except me.

"This always ends badly." I stated and Mina raised an eyebrow. "It'll be fine, lighten up." She told me and I opened my mouth to say something, but I felt Kirishima dig his fingers into my shoulder.

"I'll go first." Mineta said quickly and turned to Yoayorozu. "Momo, I dare you to take your clothes off." He chuckled and Icy hot raised his eyebrows.

"Excuse me?" Icy hot asked and Yoayorozu blushed.

"Told ya." I whispered to Mina, behind Sero's back. She shot me a look and then cleared her throat.

"Mineta isn't allowed to play." She said and Mineta groaned. "Not fair!" He said and flopped back on the couch.

"Kaminari. Truth or dare?" Mina asked and Kaminari smiled. "Dare." He said.

This is going to be really bad. Someone is going to dare someone to go in a dark room together and it's gonna make things weird. We go through this every week. Idiots.

"I dare you to lick Sero's foot," Mina said and Kaminari groaned as Sero laughed.


"Please no, Sero doesn't wear shoes.. like ever." Kaminari groaned and flopped his head back. "I don't wanna." He said and Mina shrugged.

"You know the drill, if you don't do the dare then you have to do 200 sit ups." She said and Kaminari let out another big groan.

"Come on Denki, get on your knees." Sero said and laughed.

God they're stupid.

I looked over to Deku, the nerd was laughing along with everyone else. Ridiculous.

I watched in disgust as Kaminari got infront of Sero and lifted up his foot.

Kaminari sighed and closed his eyes, then slightly licked Sero's foot.

"Ewww." Kaminari groaned and flopped back on the ground as tape face died of laughter with everyone else.

I don't know how people find shit like funny, it's just gross.

"Truth or dare, King Explosion Murder?" Kaminari asked and I sighed. I can't say 'truth' or they'll think i'm a pussy.

"Dare." I grumbled

"Ok," Kaminari said and then paused and looked at Deku.

He better not.

"I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with Midoryia."


"Fucking die, Pikachu," I said and saw Midoryia, he looked nervous.

I could get him to fight me.

"Okay, get on with it. That closet over there. Lights off." Kaminari said and I stood up.

I saw Round Face grab Deku out of the corner of my eye. "You don't have to." She whispered and Deku gave her a nervous smile.

"He'll be fine." I spat and walked over to the closet, Deku walked behind me and everyone watched in silence as we entered the closet and i closed the door.

"They're all gonna be watching," I muttered and took a sat on the floor. Midoryia sat across from me.

"Starting the timer now!" Kaminari yelled and I groaned. I bet 200 dollars that Shitty hair was sitting right next to the door.

We sat in silence for a minute or two before Deku cleared his throat.

"This is weird." He said and I nodded. The only reason we're in here is that my friends think I like him, but Deku can't know that.

"Yeah," I grumbled and looked at him.

We were sitting closer than I thought we were before.

"You better not try anything," I said and Deku exclaimed in embarrassment.

"Oh! Of course not." He said and backed away quickly.

I smiled.

I like that he's scared of me

"I was kidding. I know you're with round-face." I spat and Deku got quiet.

"I'm not with Ochako. She's my best friend." He said and I let out a little chuckle.

"I've had a girl best friend before, you're never just friends with them." I said and I heard Deku let out a breath.

"I don't... like girls, Kacchan." He said slowly, I saw him lay his back against the wall, as if he relaxed more.

He doesn't like girls...

"Me either." I said and hitched my breath, I didn't mean to say that, only Kirishima knew.

Shit, I really didn't mean to say that

He's gonna make fun of me, or he's gonna fucking tell everyone.

"Really?" Deku asked and I turned towards him. "I mean, you just always have girls all over you, I figured you enjoyed it." He said and I shook my head.

"Nah, it's annoying," I said and shrugged. "But, it makes it look like I'm straight, so I don't mind that much," I told him.

"You don't want anyone to know? Why not?" He said and I looked into his eyes, there was enough light coming in through the slits of the door to see his big green eyes.

"Why don't you want anyone to know?" I spat and he sighed.

"Right, I get it." He said.

"You better not fucking say anything to anyone ever, of I'll destroy you. Got it, Nerd?" I asked and Deku nodded.

"Of course, Kacchan." He said and I stood up, and just as I did, Kaminari yelled.

"Times up, Love bugs!" I slammed the door open and almost hit shitty hair in his stupid face, but he moved quickly enough.

"I'm going to bed."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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