Chapter 8: Question Time

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Michael, shouted Obed as he was coming closer to him. Obed, said Michael as a grin of smile of seen across his face. But before Obed had to question Michael's ability, Obed thanked Michael for giving him a place to sleep. No problem, that's what mates are for, said Michael. He brought out his as a sign to handshake towards Obed and Obed also brought his fist out 🤜🤛 Obed asked Michael were he was heading towards and he said dorm just to take a nap. After this Michael, looked on Obed's face and could see that something bwws bothering Obed's mind so he then asked Obed, Hey, is something wrong? I can see you wanna ask me something. At first, Obed said No but he then suddenly changed his mind and said I wanted to know how you got your ability. At first, Michael didn't want to tell Obed but he remembered that they were in the same dorm and he had told Chris so at least he should tell Obed a little not all. Michael then agreed to tell. When they reached the dorm, they spotted Chris sitting in his bed playing video games on his phone. In the school, students were allowed to bring phones unlike Obed's former school were students weren't allowed to carry phone to school. Obed sat on Michael bed as Michael started to narrate how he got his ability.
Michael started with his narrative when he was a young boy around 6-7 years of age. He told him that his family had the ability that Michael has right now and that they could "borrow" any persons ability by chance. Obed was surprised when he heard that and was scared because Michael might  "borrow" his ability. But then his system told Obed that he had blocked any contact that would try to "borrow"his ability and by the way the borrow that Michael is saying actually means steal. Obed was surprised to hear what his system said. As Michael narration was coming to an end, he said his father passed on some of the fire ability and the ability to "borrow other people's ability to him before going for the war with the aliens.
Alas, the story ended and Obed felt sorry for Michael's Dad. But Michael also said his mother was alive so he is always excited to see his mom. By the way, where are your parents said Michael. Obed then bowed down his head and Michael knew what it meant and said sorry for Obed. Obed told Michael that it was okay.
After saying this, Joyce and Florence banged into Michael's dorm and she shouted to Obed we have a situation and it's Chris.

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