Omniverse Files: Universe NCK-192006

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Ladies, gentlemen, and whatever else you dientify as- Welcome to this log!

 My name is Lee, and I'll be your host. Today, ! will be telling you about my own universe. I did have help, so thanks to The Amagi for that. I don't own these videos, nor did I even help make them.  

My universe is located in something called Omniverse NCK-1979, and supposedly called Universe NK-192006. But that's too long and too boring, so I'll call it by what we all call it- The Four Nations, or if you're from Avatar Korra's time, Republic City, or United Republic.

Here, in all time periods,some can do something called 'bending'. Bending is when we control the elements using different forms of martial arts. This allows us to control a element and shape it into different things depening on the situation. 

This was first given to us during the era of Ravva when people made homes on the backs of lionturtles. The gave the gift to anyone traveling into the sprit wilds to find food.

Later on, after Avatar Wan, they renounced their roles as our protectors and we left them to find new homes. Later, people learned from other sources, mostly animals, to regain bending ablities, and evantually form civilizations.

The four main types are:

Waterbending- This form alows the user to control all forms of water and other substances. This is used by the northern and southern water tirbes, and also the foggy swamp tribe in the earth kingdom, as well as United republic. 

Water is the element of change, and this reflects in their bending- Waterbenders employs defensive techniques that can be shifted into attacks, defense into offense.

 Instead of simply deflecting an attack, waterbenders will turn an opponent's strength against them, rather than directly harming them.

Waterbending originated from the moon and ocean sprits, tui and la, a pair of black and white koi fish. They taught early waterbenders to push and pull the currents of the water as the moon pushes and pulls the ocean's tides.

Firebending- This allows control over fire, and it's the only bending art where the user can generate an element

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Firebending- This allows control over fire, and it's the only bending art where the user can generate an element.  The fire nation mainly uses this, as well as an small group within the earth kingdom. 

The United Republic also uses this as well. Fire is the element of power, and comes from force tempered by the will to accomplish tasks and desires. It also can represent energy and life.

However, during the 100 year war, the Fire Nation twisted the origins into rage, hatred, and anger. This reflects bending by having intense, agressive movements mainly for offence. 

However, for people like Jeon jeong, they can modify offencive moves into defencive ones, like walls of fire. 

Firebending originated from dragons, when Avatar Wan learned to control his power by watching an white dragon dance in the sky, creating the firebending form known as the Dancing Dragon. 

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