Chapter 1

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There was a pounding on my bedroom door and I ignored it as I snuggled deeper into my blankets

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There was a pounding on my bedroom door and I ignored it as I snuggled deeper into my blankets. Someone's very nice arms were wrapped around me and I was content with not moving.

This was a big mistake though, because 5 seconds later my brother was bursting through the door.

"Jillian what the hell? Get up it's 8:30!!", said William while he stood there in the doorway.
I groaned before pulling a pillow over my head to drown out his reprimands. I was not getting up, I had been up late partying down the road at the McAdams house and I still had a wicked hangover. Tony and I had snuck back in through my window around 2am and had only been sleeping for a few hours.

As my older brother, he was unrelenting and started yelling again, this time at Tony lying next to me.

"Antonio! Get the hell out of my sisters bed!" he said, this time the arms around me grew tighter and I was pulled further under the covers. I could feel Tony starting to laugh against my neck, as my brother continued to yell.

"Jill we talked about this you can't just have guys here without even telling me!" he was yelling at me again.

I was pissed now because he knew I only ever brought Tony over. It was also the last few days of school before summer break and finals were over. I had spent a whole month being sleep deprived, and over caffeinated while studying, in order to do well.  This weekend Tony had practically begged me to enjoy myself so we had finally gone to a party. My brother was being a huge pain in my ass when I didn't even have classes that mattered.

"Jillian Get The Fuck Up!" he said again. This time he enunciated every word so I knew he was pissed.

"Why?", I grumbled as I pulled the covers off my face to glare at my him. The arms had loosed their grip enough to let me peak my head out.
"You need to go to school it's almost 9 and you're gonna be late, you still have classes even if finals are done!", Will grumbled.

He knew how hard the school year was for me and he had been accommodating so far. Will was always fine with me having people over as long as I let him know. But he must have been done with giving me slack about having Tony around even with the stress.

"Fine, but would you please give me five minutes to wake up first, all this yelling is making my hangover worse." I said, my voice was super dry and I needed coffee badly.

Will grumbled something about never wanting his own kids and slammed my door closed.
"We'll take some coffee to go if you don't mind!" I yelled after him.

As soon as the door closed I was pulled back under the covers, Antonio's arms tightening around my waist. I was dreading getting up because that meant I'd have to leave the warm coziness of my bed. But technically my first class wasn't happening anymore, so I could always show up late.

I turned around to face Tony and put my hand on his cheek to gently stroke his face. He opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"Shower?" I questioned him. I was still wearing makeup from the night before and hadn't gotten a chance to wash my hair.

Tony sat up and shrugged the blankets off, before pulling me into his lap. "Do we have to go? There's no point in actually having classes today."

He was drawing little circles on my legs and his eyes had flicked down to look at me as I wasn't wearing anything except my underwear. I could tell he had a different idea of how to start the morning and as much as I wanted to I knew we didn't have time.

I sighed and leaned back against the pillows, "I guess it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, but I just want to stay in bed."

My legs were still on his lap when he looked back at me, "I do too but showers can be fun". I giggled as he threw me over his shoulder and ran across my room to the bathroom.

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