Chapter 2

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    In a frantic 15 minute rush, Tony and I were racing to school in my car, clean, dressed and with coffee. We were still planning on missing first period but I decided not to tell Will that.

Tony and I were complicated... I liked him a lot and he definitely liked me too, but we both had major trust issues. My first ever relationship had ended really badly with my ex cheating on me with our Spanish teacher.

Our school was widely known for being a top charter for students to attend Ivy League level colleges. We also had young and extremely successful teachers and most of them were very attractive. So far the only couples who had actually been caught was Ms. Jen and my ex Brady. It had been the last week of school before winter break and the news had spread around the school like wild fire by first period the next day. When I found out I was seriously crushed and disappeared until after the school break. Tony had helped me through it as we had always been friends. This was something that had affected my previous relationship as Brady saw him as a big threat. It wasn't until the spring that Tony and I started kinda dating.

All very cliché I know, but the worst part was that Brady had been friends with Tony since middle school, which made our relationship forced into being a secret. Brady's dad ran the business that Tony's parents worked for, putting him in an awkward position of keeping his family's careers  afloat and having a relationship with me.

On top of everything else, the only reason Ms. Jen was still teaching was because she caught Tony and I together in her classroom. It was after school two months ago and we had thought the teachers were on break, we were definitely wrong. Now she was basically blackmailing us because Brady could never know or it would put Tony's parents at risk of losing their job.

So as much as it killed me, at school we could only act like friends. No hugs, no kisses, and definitely no sneaking around in empty classrooms. We had already broken our rules twice and thankfully no one was around to witness it. But if Ms. Jen caught us again and blabbed to Brady, Tony's parents careers could be in jeopardy.

That's how much power Brady's family held on the rest of us, even if our families were all wealthy too. Most of our parents had financial or medical businesses in the city but Brady's parents owned a popular large bank branch which funded the majority of the town's pockets. The Jackson's bank was what everyone used as their bank and with Brady being a part of the business, they could easily make a set up look like an accident on Mr. and Mrs Sullivan's part.

Tony knew all of this and it put a ton of stress on him which is why I knew nagging him about our relationship label was childish. Besides it was fun sneaking around and at least for now a fling that only my brother and our Spanish knew about was okay.

I had finally made it to the school parking lot with our coffee mugs empty and sitting inside the cup holders of my car. Last summer I had saved up all my money from working at a restaurant downtown and had taken out a car loan. I was very proud of myself and my stylish White Honda Accord was prefect for back and forth to school sports practices.

Tony had grabbed my backpack and thrown it over his shoulder as he stepped out of the car. I had ran around the car and was jumping at him trying to reach it.

"Tony give it back!!" , I whined as he held it above his head, as I tried to reach past his elbow on my tippy toes.

"Why?", he was laughing now as he started walking backwards towards the school with both of our bags on his shoulder.

"Because we're already late and I don't need anyone getting any ideas about us being together when they see you carrying all my stuff!", I sighed as I watched his smile slide off his face. He handed my bag back to me but not before pecking me on the lips as fast as lighting and raced away towards the school doors.

"HEY!! That's not fair!", I grumbled as I chased after him, my vans slapping the pavement as I sprinted to catch up.

I finally caught up to him as I reached the double glass doors but just as I leaned towards him to grab his hand, Ms. Jen walked by inside.

"Shit", said Tony as I shrugged away from him and he handed me my backpack. We dropped our flirty smiles and I reached to open the door.

She beat me too it and her face showed suspicion as she glanced at Tony and I.

"Cutting it a little late this morning Mr. Sullivan?", said Ms. Jen as she held the door open for us to come inside.
Tony tensed as he watched Ms. Jen glance at  my outfit of white high top vans, gray sweat shorts, and a Winfield Varsity soccer t shirt that most definitely was not mine.

"Miss Anderson, may I ask where did you get a Varsity Soccer shirt I thought you were running track this year?" she smiled almost evilly at me, knowing she had caught me in a pinch.

I gulped and frantically searched my brain for an explanation to be logical besides this shirt obviously being Tony's.

She watched my brain whirl as she twirled her black hair between her fingers and it complimented her naturally tan skin and green piercing eyes. I was struggling for something when I remembered she's met my brother before.
"Oh I uh.. stole it from brother. Yeah know how Will coaches the soccer program sometimes during the fall because he's an alumni?", I prayed she would take this as an acceptable response. From the corner of my eye I could see Tony shifting his weight from each foot he tried to hide his nervousness.
"Right.. and why are you both over an hour late?" she said checking her watch,"It's after 9..?" Her eyes were bra finally boring into my head.
Tony cleared his throat , "I was just getting a ride in to school from Jill, my car has been at the shop for weeks, yah know since Hallie ran in into that stop sign at the corner?"

I glanced at her hoping Ms. Jen wasn't serious enough to tell the office, or even worse tell Brady.

"Okay well you have about 2 days left of school, be punctual and we won't have any issues.", said Ms. Jen as she turned on her heel and started down the hallway but not before pausing again to yell. "And Jillian instead of making up stories about your boyfriends clothing maybe you should go shopping and wear your own clothes!", her yell followed us down the hallway as Tony and I scrambled to get to the safety of an empty bathroom to wait out the rest of first period.


Hey everyone thanks for reading my second chapter of Summer Secrets!
I have big plans for this book and hope to
update every few days during the summer! Please remember if there are any grammatical errors, confusion about the storyline, or even questions you have I would love to answer them. Just comment for me!
Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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