About myself.

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Hello. My name is solider B-219. I was created by the all knowing time keepers. They founded the TVA. The TVA stands for time variant authority. Our job is to Keep the sacred timeline steady. We do that by capturing time variants. Time variants are people who mess up the sacred timeline by making alternate timelines. Weather it was just being late for work or murdering a king, it messes time up. So, we take them to prison or prune them... Pruning is were you take a little stick and disinigrate  the enemy. Now,  i know what your thinking... "WHAT! YOUR DISINIGRATING PEOPLE!" But don't worry they don't die! The respawn in a land at the end of time where a black cloud monster will hunt them done forever, quite gracious if you ask me!

I was created by the time keepers. I have been working for the TVA for...hmmmm.... i don't know. Time passes differently in the TVA. All i know is that i was created in the year 1994 in the Balmish timeline. It's confusing. There is multiple timelines and multiverses in the sacred timeline... Learn more by watching the show Loki on Disney plus...

Anyway that's me! A military commander in the TVA...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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