32 | Are you Ready?

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The second the front door opened I rushed over and wrapped my arms around her.

"Sophia! Oh my god, you're okay!"

"You humans are weird. Of course I'm okay! There were only around fifty or so, child's play by our standards."

She shrugged her shoulders before giving me a wink, Gunner following closely behind.

"Umm okay?" I replied.

"I heard you were fucking awesome Edie! I fucking knew you had it in you!"

Gunner playfully held his fists up in a mock fighting stance, jabbing at the air as he stepped around me, Sophia going to greet her brother instead of humor the antics of her mate.

"Fuck yeah girllll... why take the city when you can crumple the nation? Can I get your autograph? Right here, on my bicep, legit though."

I watched as he curled up his shirt, flexing his bicep as he shoved it in my face.

"Dude. No. Are you okay?!"

He cleared his throat before pressing down his shirt as if the action would grant him some semblance of composure.

"Sorry Edie. You just have no idea what you've done. Like seriously... we owe you everything."

I cocked my eyebrow suspiciously before walking into the living room, Gunner following closely behind before I sat beside Phelan, and he Sophia.

I attempted to fill the awkward silence, twirling my hair as I did so.

"So.... I just wanted to say thank you for risking yourselves to save my sorry ass... I don't know how I could ever make it up to you."

"Also, I haven't seen Harlow yet, is she okay?"

Sophia answered, giggling slightly as she did so. "She is perfect, eager to get you back to training though. She said it's time to ramp it up a bit, no rest for the wicked as they say..."

"Ugh. I should have known I couldn't get out of it so easily," I laughed. "But I guess if it weren't for her, I wouldn't have been able to go all Amanda Nunes out there..."

I watched as the three of them exchanged perplexed looks as if I had three heads.

"It's a human thing, never mind..." I reassured.

"So... what now? Are there broader implications I should know about?"

I was curious as to what would happen now that The Guild had dissolved. What did werewolves think of a hybrid killing their own, and fracturing the laws that governed them? Did they see me as one of them, or as a kind of imposter?

I leaned into the crook of Phelan's shoulder, nestling in and pulling his arm to wrap it around myself. He did not object to my manhandling of him, and I swore I felt his chest rumble appreciatively as I did so.

Sophia spoke first.

"Word is that by and large, everyone is over the moon. Most of us had suspicions for a long time over The Guild, but since you basically took off the head of the snake so to speak, the truth has come to light."

"Being that they were a law unto themselves, you mean?"

"Not just that. We've since found out that as well as trying to patent hybridity, they had other scientists trying to find an immunity to Wolfsbane and silver," she explained before grabbing a cube of cheese from the platter.


"Well I guess it was to instil fear, use coercive control to seize territories, resources and so on..."

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