Act 1

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Few weeks has past after Christine got her role. Raoul and Christine started dating and while they had a few problems everything is going well.

Christine is sitting in her dressing room. She hears a knock on her door. "Come in." She said. Raoul enters with a rose in his hand. "Um I just wanted to give you this rose." He told her. Christine giggled. "A rose?" She asked. "Well I thought that, well, we are dating and, um, I'm just wondering if you would like to, um, get some ice cream later?" Raoul asked. Christine smiled. "Sure." She told him.

Carlota is putting a type of poison in a cup. "Let's see how you like this." She said. She heads to Christine's dressing room. On her way to the dressing room Prowl went to her. "Carlota if you find Raoul can you tell him I want to talk to him." Prowl told her. "I will." She replied. When she got to the dressing room she knocks on the door. "Come in." Christine told her. Carlota enters the room and sees Christine with Raoul. "Raoul, Prowl wants to speak to you." She told him. He nodded his head yes. He kissed Christine. "Love you Christine." He told her. "I love you too Raoul." She told him. Raoul leaves.

Christine sees the drink that Carlota has. "What's that?" She asked. "Oh this is just something actors and actresses drink before a show." Carlota lied. She gives the cup to Christine and she takes a sips from the cup. "Anyway let's hope this show is a success." Carlota told her. Christine nodded her head yes.

Raoul and Prowl are walking to the auditorium. "Look Raoul I think you would do great as a police officer." Prowl stated. "Thanks but I was thinking about becoming an artist." He told him. "An artist sounds like fun, maybe you can paint something for the police department." Prowl told him. Raoul laughed. "I'll see what I can do." Raoul informed him.

The show begins. Raoul is in the crowd along with Carrière and Prowl. Christine get ready to sing while she started coughing. "Raoul let's check to see what's up with Christine." Prowl told him. They both got up and to stage. She started to cough very rough. One of actors went to her, and put his hand on her forehead. "She's burning up." The student yelled. Raoul and Prowl look at each other and run to the stage. Raoul got to the stage first when the light shut off scaring everyone.

When the lights come back on Erik is holding Christine. He looks at Raoul and leaves. "No, give her back!" Raoul yelled. A demon appeared. "Power of God I condemn you to Hell!" Raoul yelled. The demon had a cross appeared on its chest and it bursted into flames and disappeared. Raoul looks around. Prowl goes to him. "Find her, search all over here, just find her." Raoul ordered. "No problem Chance." Prowl answered.

Author's Note: Hey Editor Chance here, let's get started. Now I can't remember what Carlota gave Christine I know it's a poison but I just can't remember, I do remember that we used dry ice I think to reaccept that smokiness the poison had in the script. The conversation that Prowl and Raoul had was a reference to the original version of Raoul who is a police officer. Originally I was gonna have a bit out side of the theatre with a man looking for tickets but I can't remember the sense that well. And yes I know that it's Erik who gives Christine the rose not Raoul, yeah I know I just forgot to write it. You may notice that his and the next two chapters won't have music in it that's because I forgot to put them in.  Oh the title for this and the next chapter Act 1 and Act 2 are a reference to the Phantom Musical, this would be the end of Act 1 and the next chapter is the beginning of Act 2.  Anyway hope y'all love the next chapter you get to see the real story of the Phantom Writer

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