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The rustle around as the wind run through them giving a sense of tranquility to the humans lounging around - basking in the soft sunlight. Maeryn breathes in the fresh air - enjoying the short moment of peacefulness before the responsibility of the world sinks in. "Ma-Maeryn?" The red head turns to the owner of the voice who broke her minute of peace. With her lips forming a sly smile, she beckons the person closer. 

"How can I help you my darling?" Maeryn tugs the guy to sit next to her - allowing her to snuggle closer to the warm chest. "I'm just curious about something..." She hums indicating she is attentive to whatever the other is saying. "Did you have lunch already?" She giggles, flicking the other's chin in fondness. "Are you worried about me now?" Maeryn grins watching the guy's face turning redder by time.

"Oh, how happy am I to have such a cute guy worry for me," She adds, grinning wider as the other turn his away - avoiding eye contact.

"I ju-just want to take you out for lunch..." He trails off, his voice becoming smaller by the end. "Sure. I just can't turn down free food you know?" The guy beams with a bright smile - surprised she actually agreed to his offer - standing up abruptly, pulling her up by her waist. The red head chuckles accepting his help and gathering her things to follow the now ecstatic guy.

"But Arill, if you expecting something from me, you better turn those hopes down. I don't need any partner to go to prom with okay?" She drawls leaving the stunned man behind.


The sound of books flipping and murmurs of students filled the four corner of the large library with the sound of laughter occasionally filled in. The same thing happens with the cheerful group - discussing (read: gossiping) the latest news in their college. "Wait so you mean to say that Chris is now in a relationship with Vanessa?" Rosella shrieks in disbelieve. 

Chris is one of the football player at the college and she has been all over him ever since she remembered but she never believe that she has a chance with that guy. He's way too out of her league; he's a handsome, intelligent quarterback player and she's just an average - sleep in the class - style of girl. Damn she's pretty sure that Chris doesn't even know her.

But she still hope for the relationship to happen. Let a girl dream okay? You yourself have a crush on someone who doesn't even exist so don't come at her 'kay?

"They're going to be the campus couple now," Diane adds, pouting slightly. 

Rosella sighs softly as the junior she's been simping over is now someone's. She was planning to confess to him before the graduation ceremony because if she's rejected then she doesn't have to embarrass herself anytime she met him - as she already leaving the school. Diane nudges her motioning her to smile using simple body language.

"Don't be disappointed now Ros," Snow comforts her wearing a reassuring smile of her own. "Why would Ros be disappointed?" Bryant asks looking over to the other's sad, pouting face. "She's been eyeing that guy since he passed by her on orientation day," Delayna explains hearing Rosella distressed groans louden.

"Yes, yes I know it's weird to be simping over a guy who 'just passed by you'" Rosella quotes, grunting when Alyssa laugh a little bit too hard - hitting her in the process of controlling her laughs. Rosella rolls her eyes when she heard the chorus of agreements from her friends.

"Shut up. Don't judge," All of the others hold up their hands in defense, laughter lingering in their actions. 

"Now, now don't need to worry Ros. We won't judge. Plus I'm absolutely sure there's someone out there, waiting for you to accept him already," Alan teases, hands already pointed to the direction of that one guy. "Oh please!" She huffs, crossing her arms across her body; sulking at the other's words. "I don't want him"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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