Chapter Three - The Musician

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TW: Swearing, violence, mention of gambling (very loose, could be interpreted as something else), mention of explosion, taking medicine (not much detail).

November 5th, 2038
AM 9:58:07

The bus came to a slow stop next to one of the stations in the neighborhood, the door opening and a blonde android stepping out. Tommy made it to the sidewalk and turned to the left as the bus took off again, walking forward towards his destination.

Turning up a large driveway, he made his way towards the doorway of the old brick mansion. It was surrounded by perfectly manicured bushes and trees, the driveway itself having two small stone pillars lining it at the entry, lanterns on top to light up in the dark.

Tommy stepped up to the doorway, slowing a second as the door opened on its own.

"Alarm deactivated. Welcome home, Tommy."

The front room was dark other than the light streaming in from the windows before the lights automatically turned on. Tommy set the box he carried on the small table pushed against the wall, then stepped forward and knelt next to the bird cage. Opening the cage door and reaching in, he carefully picked up the two robotic birds one by one and turned them on, closing the door again after.

Then, hanging up his coat on the coat rack, checked his tasks again.


Tommy went up the staircase, onto a small landing above the front entry. There were a few different instruments laying against the walls, and music sheets of more hung up like paintings. He stepped through another doorway which led to a small landing above the next room, a large living/dining room area, and turned to the right until he was met with another doorway. It slid open silently, letting him in, and slid shut again after he stepped inside.

The room inside was very dark, he couldn't make much out of the darkness. He walked across the room and opened the curtains with a large 'whoosh', then turned to see Sam now awake in his bed.

The man let out a small groan at the sudden light, throwing an arm over his eyes. Tommy smiled. "Good morning, Wilbur."

"Good mornin'." Wil grunted, sitting up in his bed.

"It's ten AM. The weather's partly cloudy, fifty-four degrees, eighty percent humidity, with a strong possibility of afternoon showers."

Wilbur snorted, giving Tommy a small grin. "Sounds like a good day to spend in bed." He said, pushing himself to lean up against the headboard.

Tommy smirked slightly, walking to the mans bedside to pick up his medicine. "I did go to pick up the parts you ordered."

"Oh yeah, I'd forgotten." He paused. "That's the difference between us, huh, Toms? You never forget."

Tommy rolled his eyes. "Give me your hand, Wilbur."

Wil gave a cheeky grin. "No."

"William." Tommy frowned, giving in to the playful banter.

He huffed slightly and did as asked. Tommy counted out the needed amount of meds from the few bottles, helping the man by giving him water to down them. Once finished he started closing the bottles and putting them in their designated spots.

Wilbur sighed. "Just opened my eyes and already needed help functioning. Humans are so fragile. We break down so easily but go through so much effort to keep us going."

Tommy shrugged slightly. "I'd assume to some people it's worth it to see them around longer. Or to them worth it stay longer."

A hand grabbing his shoulder caught his attention, gently tugging him to turning to face Wilbur more. "Hey, what happened to your clothes?" The brunette asked, concern etched in his expression.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2021 ⏰

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