I slapped him in the face. Hahahaha! Don't start on me, stranger. I hope you know that other girls you've dated thinks you're ugly. But well, it doesn't even connect to the topic but HELL YEAH! ./.
"Well that hurts." He rubbed his cheek of where I slapped him using the palm of his hand. "Don't test my patience, darling. Or else..." he walks back and went to the stove where the food was and placed it over on a plate.
"Or else, what?" I continued while staring confusedly at him as he continued doing what he really is doing. "Eat your food, princess." He then sets the plate and the utensils on the table. I slowly walked near the table looking at him curiously with my furrowed eyebrows while he's looking at my every move. We sat in silence and I just played with the food that's in front of me.
"So..." I started to talk while the atmosphere was starting to change a little bit rough.
"Eat..." he stared at me.
"Have a breakfast with me?" I asked him since it's very awkward to eat while he just stares at me.
"I am already full by just looking at you." He grinned and I almost choked on the food that was going down my throat.
"Do you have water here?" I asked embarrassingly while looking at the coffee beside my plate.
"Wow. You want coffee, and a glass of water? You really are a princess. A spoiled one." He smirked and went to the sink to get some water.
Oh well... This is it...
"I. I-I don't drink coffee." I said shyly while looking back again at the coffee on the table. Damn, why am I saying these kinds of things?
He turned his face towards me with a surprised look that said 'Are you kidding me?" I have tried tasting coffee before. But never in my life have I liked coffee as much as milk.
"You don't?" he frowns.
"Y-yes." I answered shyly. Sht
"You drank a lot of beer last night. But you don't even like a single co-" he started to show his teeth and chuckled.
"Stop it! You're trying to make me regret the words that I have just said." I tried to defend myself. Oh well, with reddish, tomato cheeks on my face. -_-
He just laughed. Hell, he laughed. I just sat in silence.
"Oh don't worry, baby. I almost poisoned your coffee but my plans were changed since you're not drinking one." He chuckled. Poisoned? I take that as a joke. -_-
"Wanna see my finger?" as I showed my 'medieval' finger to him.
He walks again towards me holding a glass of water on his hand and puts it on the table. He goes near my finger and leans over to suck it downwards til the end of the length of my finger. WTF???! O.O
I stared in shock. WTH is he trying to do here?! Seduce me?
He pulled out slowly and gently kisses it. From the tip going downwards then turns my hand down and he kissed my knuckles and stopped.
"Be careful princess. You must use your finger very wisely." His voice was very deep and sexy while staring at me with dark eyes. He then stands up and walked to the doorway and faces me again.
"Finish your food" he smirks and disappears.
"Fck." I said to myself. I felt sweaty and light headed at the moment.
I was sitting beside him at the front sit of his SUV while he was driving the car. I just tried to look at the landscape at my side of the window since it was too sheepish of me to look at him. I remember what he said earlier before he tried to attack his lips onto mine. I'm just trying to find a way to talk to him and know more. Know more about him besides his ignorance. -_-
"Well, I don't really accept the fact of what you meant earlier about 'Fairytales'. I happened to read some stories similar to it but can't get into my mind that it also exists in reality." I said like I happened to have some sort of an ugly 'Queen Elizabeth' style of attitude. He's so stupid really. Why would he even mention things like 'Fairytales'? That's crap. I used to dream that I could live in a mansion with a handsome prince. But let's go back to reality where all the suckers were forced to live in this cruel world.
He turns his gaze to me and went back to the road. Moment of silence again. I'm starting to hate this man. He always changes the atmosphere.
"Just--..." He suddenly become stern and then started to calm of what he was thinking earlier.
"Ughh. I don't know. I'm just saying things." Yep. Affirmative. He is stupid. -_-
"Well, Mr. Smith. It's really foolish to say nonsense things such as that since we're not babies anymore." I said childishly, trying to change the mood.
"Oh really princess? Most adults drink coffee since coffee is one of the things that adults usually do." He smirks and took me to the corner of defeat.
I just sighed and went back staring at the blurry road. Minutes later, we almost got to my house where I led him. Now he almost know where I live. Who the hell cares? XD
"Just drop me beside the street." I said to him and he follows. He gently slowed down and parked the car. I took my bag and take a deep breath. My mother is going to kill me when she sees me with someone, especially if it's a man. A sexy, handsome and a good-looking man. Stupid Anna! Stop being so Annastic!
"Anna..." my thoughts were vanished as I heard my name through his voice. I turned and went to look at his irresistible eyes, such daring eyes.
"Thanks for the ride, Mr. Smi-"I almost gasped with his sudden move as he kissed me hard with his lips. I tried to pull back but he used his free hand to hold the back of my neck to stop me from pulling back during the kiss. He pulls backward and we take a moment to catch our breaths as we carry out in our normal breathing. I get out of the car and get a last glimpse of him.
"This will not be our last goodbye, Princess." He said huskily and looks straightly at the road without staring back at me.
"Hope it will be. " I chuckled. Well I hated him at first, but why do I feel like I already know him at the same time? I closed the car door and went inside the house, I took a peek in the windows but he was already gone.
"Where did my confidence come from?" I said to myself. I think I have left something that makes me need to get back to him again. Something was telling me where he was.
"I really hope that it will never be our last goodbye." I said to myself but some part of me was howling for pleasure. For desire, I don't know. Before I could take the time to unravel my cravings within me, I must deal with my mother. How tensed can I be?
Authieee Note! XD O_o o_O B-)
Hi guys! Sorry If I did not update more like.. A few months ago? (I know... Like WTF)
But well, sorry but I was very busy lately and hope you all could forgive me lol.
But to all my readers who waited and did not deleted this story to their reading lists because the reader is stupid enough to not update this story earlier, Thanks guys! That's what I called an unending support! haha!
Thank you guys for reading this chapter and pls share, vote and comment this chapter! It's great if you all wanted to share your thoughts in the story!
PS: Sorry about the short chappie, I'll try to make it a'lil bit longer for the next one. :)
Hope you all loved this chapter and stay tuned for more! xD

He's Nothing But My Alpha!
Про оборотней"WHAT THE HELL!!!" I yelled as someone hits me against the wall rubbing his chest against my back and his hands moving underneath my clothing. "Who the fuck are you?!" No one can hear me except him. We were in the school hall alone for crying out lo...