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Planet Xeon July 21, 3000

Cinder : They will hate us for this but it's for their safety.

Shiro: Yes mother I know. I regret having to do this but if we tell them we think their relationship is disgusting and banish them to earth they shouldn't come back.

Cinder:  yes.

Later in the day A 10 year old Sena and Luna are called into their mothers room greeted by Cinder (their mom) and their older sister Shiro.

Sena&Luna: Yes mommy!

Cinder: By noon today you will be banished from this world forever. You can never come back or you will be killed.

Luna: Nooo! Why are you doing this to us

Cinder: You incest relationship with your brother it's disgusting and I will not have it. Exspecially from the future leaders of our world!

Sena: How did you know this we never told anyone except-

Shiro: I told her. You filthy animals don't deserve to rule us. You bring shame to our family title.

Sena becomes angry and charges at Shiro. Shiro dodges and kicks him across the room.

Luna: *crying* We trusted you. How could you betray us, you're our sister.

Shiro: because you're weak and I never liked you from the beginning.

Cinder: STOP keep what honor you have left and don't make this more painful for you then needed.

Luna starts to chant a spell but cinder slices across her eye and breaks the spell.

Cinder: I wanted to give time for goodbyes but it seems you're to childish to be allowed that luxury. Guards escort them to the ship at once and dump them onto planet earth.

Sena&Luna are forced onto the ship never to see their family again.
Back in cinder's room

Cinder holds Shiro who fell to the floor crying.

Shiro: I'm sorry I'm so sorry.

Cinder strokes Shiro's hair

Cinder: we did what we must to protect them.

Shiro: I know but did you see their eyes we hurt them probably broke their will. I felt their pain there was so much.

Cinder: they were hurt but one day they will become the most powerful beings in the universe and save our world but we will most likely be dead by then.

Back to the present Sena wakes crying from a dream she can't remember.

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